The Catholic Church has never really come to terms with women. What I object to is being treated either as Madonnas or Mary Magdalenes.

Obsidian was caused by volcanoes, an eruption of steam and gas so furious that it melted the earth itself into this hard, shiny object.

If you know the shape of the lens and the image you get, you can work out the path that light followed between the object and your eye.

Nothing irritates me more than chronic laziness in others. Mind you, it's only mental sloth I object to. Physical sloth can be heavenly.

I've learned over a period of years there are setbacks when you come up against the immovable object; sometimes the object doesn't move.

I'm more comfortable watching 'Dev D' with my mom than a film that makes a woman an object whose only purpose is to dance provocatively.

I hardly need to abstract things, for each object is unreal enough already, so unreal that I can only make it real by means of painting.

Don't forget my new kidney is a foreign object. My body attacks it. So I have to take these anti-rejection drugs to stop my body winning.

If the child has not an object that it can occupy itself with, it feels ennui; for it does not yet know how to occupy itself with itself.

I don't know if you have ever been the object of someone's obsession - but if it's not of your desire, it is horrible. It is really awful.

In my own case, my folks didn't actually object to comics, as many parents did, but they pretty much felt the things were a waste of time.

The political object is the goal, war is the means of reaching it, and the means can never be considered in isolation from their purposes.

I am terribly interested in the paragraph: the paragraph as an object, the construction, and the possibilities of what a paragraph can do.

I don't mind a dirty girl. But what I find tragic is when we, as women, become not the subject of our own story but someone else's object.

The thing that excites me, and the thing that excited me about Twitter, is the idea of a flock of birds moving around an object in flight.

The object of religion is the imagination, that deep and inexhaustible font of our understanding and symbolizing our deepest possibilities.

The object of this competition is not to be mean to the losers but to find a winner. The process makes you mean because you get frustrated.

All ideas come about through some sort of observation. It sparks an attitude; some object or emotion causes a reaction in the other person.

If you open your heart, then the object of your love becomes so precious because you are so open. And that philosophy, that caring, spreads.

It is ever the invisible that is the object of our profoundest worship. With the lover it is not the seen but the unseen that he muses upon.

Whether or not you like an object, it's the product of an individual person making decisions about things. That's what makes it interesting.

Parents are perhaps the most common object of resentment, the people who are most frequently blamed for all our failings and failures alike.

Liberty is the proper end and object of authority, and cannot subsist without it; and it is liberty to that which is good, just, and honest.

In the same way that a mundane object can have a personality somehow, I try to suggest that a mundane setting can have some menace behind it.

I must have something to engross my thoughts, some object in life which will fill this vacuum, and prevent this sad wearing away of the heart.

Heaven is a bowl of creamed herring and onions. Ditto whitefish salad. But the real object of my desire for all things gilled is gefilte fish.

The self has the characteristic that it is an object to itself, and that characteristic distinguishes it from other objects and from the body.

To me, the object of practicing is to allow you to play what you hear. But you're always hearing new things, so you never get to the end of it.

Everybody in life has something that they get knocked down on. The object lesson here is not that you get knocked down - it is that you get up.

Not a single piece of material culture - not a single object - has been found at Giza that can be interpreted to come from a lost civilization.

The next step for me with the Up is how it talks with the rest of the home. It's an object that can tell the home where I am and what I'm doing.

What I object to the current government intervention in so-called 'solving the crisis', they haven't solved anything. They've just postponed it.

Man himself is a mysterious object, and the tools to probe his physiologic nature and function have developed only slowly through the millennia.

Beauty connotes humanity. We call a natural object beautiful because we see that its form expresses fitness, the perfect fulfillment of function.

A life cycle can be imposed on an object. An object can be very energetic and active, and then it has a dying phase and a phase of decomposition.

A 3D printer needs three elements: a bit of information, some raw material, some energy, and it can produce any object that was not there before.

Nature is a collective idea, and, though its essence exist in each individual of the species, can never in its perfection inhabit a single object.

I never saw an ugly thing in my life: for let the form of an object be what it may, - light, shade, and perspective will always make it beautiful.

People don't object to spying on the grounds that the secret dossier about them might be full of errors. They object to spying because it's spying.

False friendship, like the ivy, decays and ruins the walls it embraces; but true friendship gives new life and animation to the object it supports.

Belief is nothing but a more vivid, lively, forcible, firm, steady conception of an object, than what the imagination alone is ever able to attain.

The joy of my heart is to 'study men, their manners, and their ways,' and for this darling object I cheerfully sacrifice every other consideration.

Not every difficult and dangerous thing is suitable for training, but only that which is conducive to success in achieving the object of our effort.

Joy can only be real if people look upon their life as a service and have a definite object in life outside themselves and their personal happiness.

Problems and issues will always be there, and they'll never leave our side, so the object is to have a good time and make fun out of whatever we do.

An excuse becomes an obstacle in your journey to success when it is made in place of your best effort or when it is used as the object of the blame.

To know a man, observe how he wins his object, rather than how he loses it; for when we fail, our pride supports us - when we succeed, it betrays us.

The attacks of which I have been the object have broken the spring of life in me... People don't realize what it feels like to be constantly insulted.

A man nearly always loves for other reasons than he thinks. A lover is apt to be as full of secrets from himself as is the object of his love from him.

For me an object is something living. This cigarette or this box of matches contains a secret life much more intense than that of certain human beings.

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