The only reason people are saying I'm the number-one player is because I'm with the number-one team.
Our number one priority is to spend every peso possible to include those who are currently excluded.
Usually the people I do know are sufficient to spawn any number of nightmares without inventing any.
Tolle numerum omnibus rebus et omnia pereunt.Take from all things their number and all shall perish.
Mathematics is not about numbers, equations, computations, or algorithms: it is about understanding.
The number one thing I look for in a man is integrity. A man who does what he says he's going to do.
Rough board shelves hold a number of books, without which some of the evenings would be long indeed.
Number theorists are like lotus-eaters -- having once tasted of this food they can never give it up.
Wealth of a man is the number of things which he loves and blesses which he is loved and blessed by.
The intelligence of the creature known as a crowd, is the square root of the number of people in it.
That which we call civilization is merely the accumulated debris of a chilling number of bad nights.
Number of people have said to me, after hearing your thinking, their mind becomes much more happier.
For solving a surprisingly large and varied number of problems, crowds are smarter than individuals.
Major League Baseball should retire Roberto Clemente's number, just like they did Jackie Robinson's.
A month's salary, deep regret, the telephone number of some foul rehab clinic and my lance was free.
We've been hydraulically fracturing wells in large numbers since the 1960s, first developed in 1940.
I'm not fond of any of my films in an intimate way, but Gregory's Girl would be number 4 on my list.