I'm a normal guy.

I live a normal life.

I'm just a normal guy.

I am not a normal man.

I'm just a normal lad.

Normal is all relative.

I'm kind of normal guy.

I feel strangely normal.

You're driving me NORMAL!

I don't have a normal life.

'Normal bloke' is my style.

It is normal to be nervous.

I live a pretty normal life.

I was a normal American nerd.

I'm an absolutely normal guy.

Being poor is a normal thing.

At Madrid, pressure is normal.

I don't think anyone's normal.

Let's embrace being not normal!

Don't be normal. Be an example.

Drugs made me feel more normal.

I try to be as normal as I can.

I do try to live a normal life.

Broke is normal. Why be normal?

Normal people do not create art.

I'm really just a normal person.

Why be normal? What's the point?

All my friends are super normal.

Uncertainty is the normal state.

Why can't I say anything normal?

I have a remarkably normal life.

I'm a normal guy. I'm not a chef.

Disagreement is something normal.

Normal is the average of deviance.

My family is very far from normal.

I just want to be a normal person.

I lead a very boring, normal life.

I'm a chill guy, a very normal guy.

I couldn't deal with a normal life.

Ours was not a normal or easy life.

Enjoying life for me is just normal.

The normal food of man is vegetable.

It's a normal way of doing business.

My life is pretty simple and normal.

All I've ever wanted is to be normal.

I'm not sure I know what "normal" is.

My family lives a pretty normal life.

I'm really a normal football manager.

Meat consumption shouldn't be normal.

Normal is in the eye of the beholder.

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