What I do know is that traditional gender roles are very real and flipping the norm is difficult for even the strongest, funniest, smartest men.

I don't think anything Ronda Rousey does is going to be the norm. I think everything she does is going to set a new trend and blaze a new trail.

I made myself unhappy measuring my love against a given norm. The truth is, we make ourselves happy in among a wide variety of loves; all count.

Cameras should be the norm everywhere. It should be in every courtroom so that the proceedings are taken down and recorded just like stenography.

It was something I was dreaming about, to be in WCW or WWE. At that time, it was an escape for me, out of the norm from being a neighborhood kid.

Someday, maybe we'll recognize that queer is actually the norm, and the notion of static sexual identities will be seen as austere and reductive.

Business is always looking to avoid the toughest norms. But some do it in a civilized way, while others push it using uncivilized, brazen methods.

I was surprised by the attention and visibility on me as a black woman CEO. I look forward to the day when this is the norm and not the exception.

The requirement of conspicuous wastefulness is... present as a constraining norm selectively shaping and sustaining our sense of what is beautiful.

But there's actually a lot of punk bands out there that go out of the norm, use odd time signatures, or a lot of different tempo changes in a song.

The more things you do outside of your norm, the more ideas you get exposed to, the more people you get exposed to, and I think that's interesting.

We should not label people who speak up, because it should not be the exception - it should be the norm. When you see something wrong, you speak up.

If we looked in the world of 1945 and looked at the map of capitalist economies and democratic polities, they were the rare exception, not the norm.

I always thought, because America is supposed to be the land of the free, nudity would be part of the norm over there, but it isn't. It's surprising.

If you want to be in the world I live in, which is a creative world with new ideas, then you've got to get away from the norm. You've got to go for it.

My parents started Party Pieces the same year I was born, so I have grown up with their entrepreneurial way of thinking, which, to me, became the norm.

Asking what I'd do without Loopt is almost like asking what I would do if I didn't have a smartphone because the feature set has become the norm for me.

For decades, the journalistic norm had been that the private lives of public officials remained private unless that life impinged on public performance.

I have to be at work every day at six in the morning and then cover premieres and parties that go late into the night, so a 12-hour workday is the norm.

In the current world, with work-from-home emerging as a new norm, there is a spurt in demand for security, deployable across multiple work environments.

My biggest concern for the country is that many kids are now just looking at their parents who've lived on benefit and think that's the norm. It's so sad.

Rock and roll has become entertainment that just says what the consumer wants to hear. There's no more edge or rebellion that sets it apart from the norm.

Differences are scarier now. The dollar isn't so guaranteed if you don't follow what they see as the norm. But I don't moan about it. I just keep working.

The 'inability to have a dialogue' is increasingly the norm in academia. Conservative thought is not just unwelcome, oftentimes it is banished altogether.

I'm used to being told by society that I must regulate my body to fit the norm. I'm used to the fact that images of unaltered women are seen as unacceptable.

The rules or 'laws' of poetry are only tentative devices, an approximate scheme. There is no Sinaitic recipe for poetry, for the individual poem is the norm.

Working in network sitcom arenas, whenever you decide to depart from the norm and tell a story that's not typical, I think you're always a little bit nervous.

Self-imposed discipline with a bent towards results rather than 'creative' and sustainability spending is unfortunately not the norm in the marketing industry.

Traveling gives you some perspective of what the rest of the world is like. I think that having the courage to step out of the norm is the most important thing.

More Than' challenges every norm, refuses to accept the rules as they are, one-size-fits-all, and most importantly, 'More Than' implores you to take massive risk.

To end the pervasive culture of sexual harassment, it can no longer be the norm that men look the other way. It only ends when men actively participate in ending it.

In England, there are so many TV commercials with nudity in them, and there are so many TV programs that show nudity on a regular basis. It's becoming more of a norm.

I know a lot of reporters certainly will go to jail to defend confidential sources. Some have even gone to jail for an issue like this. But I can't say that's the norm.

When I was starting out in this business, that was the norm. You did it all. You looked around, and entertainers could dance, sing, play the piano, act, make you laugh.

I wanted to do something new and different. People expected me to do negative roles. I wanted to break the norm, and because of that, I lost on some great work as well.

If you are building a culture where honest expectations are communicated and peer accountability is the norm, then the group will address poor performance and attitudes.

Due to the political nature of film, partisan film making, especially where the subject is close to the film makers hart, tend to be the norm, rather than the exception.

I realized I deserve to be happy and have all the things I want in life. It might be scary and outside the norm of what everybody else does, but I need to just go for it.

I'm just not interested in the norm. The only example I can give you is I can't go to a hairdresser and talk about holidays. I just don't live in that world. It's not me.

If you pitch your movie to someone and they say, "Oh, please, don't make that. No one would see it." Do it! Because that means you may have something that's not the norm.

We live in a world now where everything is tweeted and Instagrammed and tagged and now, God help us, Vined. Calling out grievances over Twitter has become an industry norm.

It's so easy to make an Asian person the doctor, the lawyer, the smart kid in school. What's harder is challenging the norm and hiring Asian actors to play your Average Joe.

I think, from the beginning, I was healed and inspired by queer culture, and Christine and the Queens, as an idea from the beginning, is queer because it questions the norm.

I feel everybody gets trolled. There is no one who hasn't got trolled on social media. I guess trolling has become norm of social media where people enjoy belittling everybody.

Theatrical experience will always be the norm in India. In fact, as a producer and as an actor, I always hope that the magnum opus theatrical experience should always continue.

I've always in some way tried to rebel against the norm, but there's always been a voice deep inside that pressures me to look my best, not leave the house without makeup, etc.

Because if you say men and women are the same and if male behaviour is the norm, and women are always expected to act like men, we will never be as good at being men as men are.

This is why we have a chief medical officer: to set a norm in society, make judgments on behalf of society, so that individual schools or individual parents don't have to decide.

It was sort of assumed, from the time I was born, really, that I would go to college. That's sort of the way that Jewish families in New Jersey handled things; that was the norm.

The culture of the U.S. military is such that human enhancement is accepted as a goal, taking people beyond the norm. There are so many resources going into that kind of research.

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