It wasn't possible just to rid oneself, simply, of the norms through which one is constituted.

Truth and falsehood are opposed; but truth is the norm not of truth only but of falsehood also.

If two norms conflict, if they are mutually inconsistent, then at least one of them must be false.

We need to see examples of empowerment, because when we see that... it seems like that's the norm.

If regional associations are created, they should work on the basis of WTO norms, on the WTO basis.

Nothing is wonderful except in the abnormal, and nothing is abnormal until we have grasped the norm.

I wish men would stop telling me how they are not 'bad guys,' how they're 'an exception to the norm.'

When the norm is decency, other virtues can thrive: integrity, honesty, compassion, kindness, and trust.

As soon as a norm is established, people start questioning it, which is probably a good thing in the end.

Women with short hair are really sexy. There's something liberating about freeing yourself from the norms.

That's like making fun of a maniac because his brain isn't completely right, because he isn't in the norm.

Van Basten went directly to the national team without coaching any other clubs. It's not the norm in Italy.

To choose Norm Coleman over Walter Mondale is like going to a great steakhouse and ordering the tuna sandwich.

You marry out of free will. If I marry, it will be from a personal choice, not some social compulsion or norm.

When I was a kid, being outside was the norm. Rain or shine, our parents would tell us to get out of the house.

To take women's equality from novelty to norm, we need to change narratives at a societal and individual level.

When the congregation becomes the norm by which sermons are measured, a minister has put a mortgage on his soul.

Norm Lewis, who plays Jake in 'Side Show,' and I had a song together in 'Tommy,' and I understudied Mrs. Walker.

I like surprising myself. I don't want to do the norm, do what I'm always known to do, write how I like to write.

Faith must rise beyond the recognised norm into a lifestyle that accurately represents the victorious Son of God.

Our country has the oldest tradition of storytelling, and this was much before writing stories even became a norm.

As a child, my mother told me lots of fairy stories, many her own invention. She, too, tended to reverse the norm.

I just get really bored with sticking to the norm and having the proper conservative image. That's just so not me.

Change is the norm; unless an organization sees that its task is to lead change, that organization will not survive.

Any time people are breaking outside the norm and playing something that isn't expected - that feels like punk to me.

We have seen a shift in the focus of education before entering the workplace, with earning and learning the new norm.

You cannot dictate what people find funny, what people find attractive, or what people find scary. There is not a norm.

There are no variations except for those who know a norm, and no subtleties for those who have not grasped the obvious.

I feel like, for me, different environments are very important to me creatively. I think it's my norm to be on the move.

When I was growing up, kids used to talk about snitching... It never extended as a cultural norm outside of the gangsters.

If people don't think I can fall into what the norm is, that's their problem and not mine. I'm not the norm; I'm not deluded.

Trend-wise, I hope to keep bringing completely new collections to the industry that will make people think and defy the norm.

It's become the norm that a player who has another year on his contract period has a decision between separation or extension.

We must make it clear that we won't interfere in other countries' elections and work to make that the clear international norm.

I am only really attracted to people who are very open-minded and embrace and celebrate people who live outside the gender norm.

With gridlock the norm, Congress's approval rating is below 10 percent and the public has lost faith in its national leadership.

When meetings are the norm - the first resort, the go-to tool to discuss, debate, and solve every problem - they no longer work.

In order to deviate successfully, one has to have at least a passing acquaintance with whatever norm one expects to deviate from.

I cried every day of first grade. In class. Which meant I ended up getting comfortable emoting in a place where it wasn't the norm.

Creativity is about taking what is the norm and expanding it and continuing to expand it and expand it and expand it and expand it.

I've spent so much of my career working intermittently, being busy and then with large swaths of time off, that it became the norm.

Everyone I went to school with went to university, or took a year off and then went, and that was the norm - so I did the same thing.

The punk era, at its best, celebrated questioning the norm and the promotion of originality. Both concepts have always resonated with me.

Real men are almost nowhere to be found in the black community; fatherlessness is the norm, and godlessness has taken over black churches.

We have to ask how we can stretch and how sometimes we can break the norms that determine what's intelligible and readable and what is not.

Even in my music, I am always searching for big, universal things - ways that you can sort of reach outside the norm of what you are doing.

The rise of the iPod meant that digital music became the norm, It's sad, but you can still find the real stuff out there if you look for it!

I think every album you have to stretch further and further, give people another piece of you. But then I always try to deviate from the norm.

Moralities, ethics, laws, customs, beliefs, doctrines - these are of trifling import. All that matters is that the miraculous become the norm.

I love the idea of solar panels, but they are very expensive. I hope, as living sustainably becomes the norm, they will become more accessible.

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