A few times in my life I've had moments of clarity where the silence drowns out the noise and I can feel rather than think.

The louder our world today is, the deeper God seems to remain in silence. Silence is the language of eternity; noise passes.

The majority of the people think that noise is not music. I want to accept noise and even errors and glitches. I enjoy them.

For me, there is a strong hypnotic power in noise-music, and that's something I don't want to leave out of my music anymore.

Some candidates need to say provocative things that make noise to break through the media muffle and get themselves noticed.

You have to make enough noise to be cast in the right films, and the best way to make that noise is to do lots of good work.

what I remember is the silence in spite of the noise. In my head it might just as well have been a snowy day in the country.

Hate is the consequence of fear; we fear something before we hate it; a child who fears noises becomes a man who hates noise.

Noise is an easy thing to hide behind. If you make a lot of noise and shout behind that, nobody can tell what you're singing.

The noise that we can expect in the future will only increase and we'll be wishing for rural Portugal or something like that.

Noise is the most impertinent of all forms of interruption. It is not only an interruption, but also a disruption of thought.

A classic is a work which persists as a background noise even when a present that is totally incompatible with it holds sway.

When I fly, I never check my bags. I bring a carry-on, an eye pillow, noise-canceling headphones, a big pillow and a blanket.

Personally, I would go back to V12s, which make a tremendous noise, and have open cockpits and make the drivers heroes again.

When other people say, 'Oh you're so-and-so's friend, brother, or husband,' it's reductive to the point of being white noise.

Silence. There are times it's the only thing I want and I wonder how I'll ever go back to the world of noise and distraction.

Silver Machine still sounds really modern with all the white noise. It's a bit punky in a way. They were ahead of their time.

When we save the rain forest, the polar bear, and Al Gore, we should party so hard that Canada calls the cops on us for noise.

I was really scared to stay home alone when I was kid, and I would freak out whenever there was a noise after my parents left.

Our political institutions work remarkably well. They are designed to clang against each other. The noise is democracy at work.

In fairness, you know, I'm a big believer in if your kid makes noise in the restaurant you should remove the child immediately.

A woman, till five-and-thirty, is only looked upon as a raw girl, and can possibly make no noise in the world till about forty.

You can only do what you can do in this world. If you start thinking of all the white noise out there, I think you'll go crazy.

Unfortunately, most of Congress has little to offer except making noise and knowing how to move up the bloated political chain.

Wherever we are, what we hear is mostly noise. When we ignore it, it disturbs us. When we listen to it, we find it fascinating.

Was it like this? (Jesse) (Jesse made an inhuman ghost noise.) That sounds like Darth Vader choking on a chicken bone. (Gloria)

I can lock myself for months in the editing suite with no noise or distractions. It's fascinating to see the film taking shape.

The reason I started dancing in the first place was my dad took me to see 'Bring In 'da Noise, Bring In 'da Funk' when I was 9.

When you are up close to an opera singer, hearing this incredible volume of noise coming from a human being - its beyond belief.

Cultivate solitude and quiet and a few sincere friends, rather than mob merriment, noise and thousands of nodding acquaintances.

The precipitancy of disputation, and the stir and noise of passions that usually attend it, must needs be prejudicial to verity.

making a noise in this world making a noise in this world you can bet your ass, I won't go quietly making a noise in this world.

It's so hard to make noise coming from a small town that by the time you start branding yourself, you've grown in a certain way.

Human nature makes it easy to bicker like children, but the human heart makes it possible to squelch the noise our head creates.

Although I'm deaf in only my left ear, when there is noise all around, I'm unable to distinguish sounds and can't hear anything.

Virtue is a beautiful thing in woman when they don't go about with it like a child with a drum making all sorts of noise with it.

When you are up close to an opera singer, hearing this incredible volume of noise coming from a human being - it's beyond belief.

Arms on armour clashing bray'd Horrible discord, and the madding wheels Of brazen chariots rag'd: dire was the noise Of conflict.

Americans are getting like a Ford car, they all have the same exact parts, the same upholstering and make exactly the same noises.

I found a way to connect with lots of instruments rather than just fixating on one of them. I just loved making noise on anything.

For me, noise is not something I use to shock, or because it's funny, or weird, or whatever. I use it because I find it beautiful.

While it is always possible to wake a person who's sleeping, no amount of noise will wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

If you put music on top of noise, it's like putting icing on top of mud; it might look like a cake, but it doesn't taste like one.

In the dream, sheltered from the noise, the subject expressed a judgment much more on the mark than that manifested in wakefulness.

Living as we do in an age of noise and bluster, success is now measured accordingly. We must all be seen, and heard, and on the air.

I'm just an early adopter; I subscribe to more things than normal people and have a high level of inbound and a high level of noise.

Chihuahuas are the perfect pet if you don't have a person in your life who screams and shits their pants every time there's a noise.

Everybody else is working to change, persuade, tempt and control them. The best readers come to fiction to be free of all that noise.

You have to give kids something to rebel against. You can't like their music - you have to call it noise. It's incumbent on a parent.

Men are the weak ones, luv. Didn't you know? Oh, you make a lot of noise, but its the women who are strong. Where it counts. In 'ere.

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