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I've been nine stone for 20 years. I always eat what I want; it's not an issue for me.
Another thing I recall was falling in love with Shirley Temple when I was nine or ten.
Nine Inch Nails' sound is dominated by clanging synths and sardonic, shrieking vocals.
I would defy people to find a more beautifully developed character than Seven of Nine.
Nine books have been written about me, and there's not a word of truth in any of them.
I grew up in southern Sudan, one of nine children. Our life was simple but very happy.
I shoot the same rifle I've shot since I killed my first deer with it when I was nine.
Ninety-nine point nine percent of the people that are gun owners are very responsible.
Nine English traditions out of ten date from the latter half of the nineteenth century.
Yes, I know and then in the same time period within those nine years I lost 150 pounds.
I couldn't watch '101 Dalmatians' when I was, like, nine because Cruella was too scary.
It takes nine months for a baby to develop, it takes nine months to develop a character.
No interviews without appointments except between nine and ten p.m. on second Saturdays.
In nine lifetimes, you'll never know as much about your cat as your cat knows about you.
I've got nine kids, nine dogs, three grandkids - and one in the oven. And three parrots!
I was in like nine schools by ninth grade, so I moved a ton of times when I was younger.
It is impossible for an abortion clinic to have a waiting list of more than nine months.
I consider my voice to be a centrist moderate voice among the nine Democratic candidates.
I was nine years old when I made up my mind that that was what I definitely wanted to do.
I'd been going to college for nine years, and before I completed my dissertation, I quit.
I've always been ambitious since I was nine years old and that was never going to change.
I was on 'Search for Tomorrow' for about nine months, then 'Another World' for two years.
In the town live witches nine: three in worsted, three in rags, and three in velvet fine.
My father beat me with a curtain rod when I was nine, (That was) the inspiration for Creep
I was in, like, nine schools by ninth grade, so I moved a ton of times when I was younger.
I was born in Liverpool in England, and I lived there for the first nine years of my life.
I lived in LA for almost nine years and if I never went back there again it would be fine.
We met at nine We met at eight I was on time No, you were late Ah yes! I remember it well.
You can't have nine children and not be organized. Otherwise it just looks like Appalachia.
I've been here for nine years, and over that time, these people have become like my family.
... my mother and father ... raised nine of us and taught each to do our best ... We tried.
Nine million terrorists in the world and I gotta kill one with feet smaller than my sister.
I write when I'm inspired, and I see to it that I'm inspired at nine o'clock every morning.
My doctor said I had OCD. I couldn't believe it. I had to call him nine times to make sure.
Richie is the only one of my nine who's really moved away. I can't get rid of most of them.
My grandmother - my inspiration - was a single mom with nine kids, and she helped raise me.
That's kind of a leap, but the Russian judge gave you a nine point five for style, so okay.
When I was nine, I was taught to ride a surfboard in Waikiki by the beach boy Rabbit Kekai.
It don't make no difference where I go or what happens, so long as I can play the full nine.
I started theater when I was three, and I started doing professional acting when I was nine.
They say cats have nine lives. I've had 12 already and I don't know how many more I'll have.
I grew up Methodist and went to church until my parents gave up on religion when I was nine.
I went to Queen's University Belfast and stayed nine months, then I ran away to be an actor.
I spent grade nine and ten going to school in Victoria. My parents lived there for 10 years.
The greatest part of the job was... that was for nine years it was a pleasure to go to work.
I like the consistency of a TV show, but I like it for three months out of my year, not nine.
If there's such a thing as somebody having nine lives, I guess I'm somewhat in that category.
There are one hundred and ninety nine ways to beat, but only one way to win; get there first.
I wrote 'Legends of the Fall' in nine days, but I had been thinking about it for a few years.
When I was in desperate trouble for maybe eight or nine years, I went to a neuropsychiatrist.