A lot of dreams can turn to nightmares... if you don't really work them.

It must be a nightmare for football managers' wives, putting up with us.

Harder than waking from a nightmare was trying to wake herself into one.

To call New York's traffic at holiday time a nightmare is to understate.

I think my worst nightmare is standing up in front of a group of people.

Every moment of your life that is not a complete nightmare is happiness.

'Catch-22' was a nightmare to make, and everybody was unhappy except me.

The cyclical rebirth of caste in America is a recurring racial nightmare.

The world's not a very comfortable place if you have a nightmare to face.

I am living in a nightmare, from which from time to time I wake in sleep.

It was a nightmare having cameras in the house 10 hours a day for a month.

All I ever had before you was nightmares. But now I dream. Because of you.

Going to a theatre and watching yourself on the big screen is a nightmare.

Every single person in jail for a violent crime had a nightmare childhood.

That's a true actor's nightmare: "Improvise in British sign language. Go."

Could Artificial Intelligence End the Electronic Medical Record Nightmare?

...even the most horribl e of nightmares is laced with the promise of dawn.

The nightmare spirit of control has always been, and is, profoundly stupid.

I don't like cruises. Period. My biggest nightmare is being stuck on a boat.

His smile was the nightmare in my back pocket.(Speaking about Ronald Reagan)

She looked like a head-on collision between a fashion plate and a nightmare.

He doesn't see my breasts or my waist or my hips. He only sees the nightmare.

I have such a sweet tooth, which is a nightmare when you're trying to be good.

I used to have nightmares that they would put 'He played Ted' on my tombstone.

If a Latina falls in love with someone who is insecure, it can be a nightmare.

I stopped looking for a Dream Girl, I just wanted one that wasn't a nightmare.

The traditions of the dead generations weigh like a nightmare upon the living.

Me just being myself in public or on TV is the biggest nightmare in the world.

'The Shining,' 'A Nightmare on Elm Street,' 'Halloween.' Those are the greats.

I'm not a good spectator; I'm a nightmare when I'm injured and I'm not playing.

All the dreams I dream are nightmares and those nightmares are the ones I live.

Three writers together would be a nightmare of obstreperous self-consciousness.

I'm really obsessed with 'Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares.' I really don't know why.

The living nightmare for a red state NASCAR driver would be a gay French driver.

My professional dreams were coming true while I was living a personal nightmare.

[George W.] Bush's presidency was one of the great nightmares of my life to date.

When you live with a photographer, you never have a day off - it was a nightmare.

Parking is a nightmare for me... I still have sensors on my car that help me park.

I'm every bourgeois nightmare - a Cockney with intelligence and a million dollars.

I feel bad for young people. The 20s are a nightmare also. The 20s are hard to do.

Do you know how hard it is to kill 30 million people? It's a logistical nightmare.

Cities really are mental conditions. Beijing is a nightmare. A constant nightmare.

He had long nostril hairs, powerfully intimidating, like an unscheduled nightmare.

An optimist expects his dreams to come true; a pessimist expects his nightmares to.

Give them pleasure - the same pleasure they have when they wake up from a nightmare.

I spent a week of my honeymoon on a cruise ship and it was a nightmare. Never again.

Most fan have been like, "You're a monster, you give me nightmares, don't talk to me."

Reality is never as bad as a nightmare, as the mental tortures we inflict on ourselves.

Colby Covington is a nightmare match-up for me, but I'm ready to walk through the fire.

I'm your nightmare. Did you think you were done with nightmares, now you've become one?

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