I was introduced to money as a teenager, my friends had nice things. It came naturally to me to try and make money.

One of the nice things about 'The New Yorker' is they let you write stories that sometimes end up almost half a book.

The folks who rock Uber value their time; they appreciate nice things with a taste of luxury and loathe inefficiency.

I'm quite careful. I like to buy nice things for myself, but I like to also be reasonable. I think I'm pretty careful.

It's one thing to work, but it's another thing to work on a show where people stop you all the time to say nice things.

I don't really buy designer stuff. I have a few nice things, but I don't really have the occasion to wear couture too often.

They say such nice things about people at their funerals that it makes me sad that I'm going to miss mine by just a few days.

Science gives us a powerful vocabulary, and it is impossible to produce a vocabulary with which one can only say nice things.

It's one of the nice things about this nation that when the Constitution is violated, if it affects you, you can bring a suit.

I wouldn't say we were middle class. There was not lots of money for nice things. But we never wanted for the things we needed.

I've had opportunities. But I'm happy at Utah. I can do a lot of nice things and I love the kids. We work hard and we have fun.

I made some adaptations, as I combined karate with my boxing game. I'm adding a couple of nice things from Shotokan to my game.

I love nice things - I consider Ralph Lauren sheets to be a necessity, not a luxury - but I've known what it's like to be poor.

It's always nice when someone you don't know comes up to you and says a couple nice things about your work. It's always a pleasure.

But that's one of the nice things about doing a stage show, if something doesn't work out, you have the luxury of working on it over time.

We don't have entitlements as part of our family heritage. If you want nice things in life, if you want to get ahead, you have to earn it.

One of the nice things about licensing music to movies or advertisements is you can reach a lot of people who normally wouldn't hear music.

I don't get mobbed in the street or bothered. Well, people do stop and say nice things. 'I like 'Endeavour,' or, 'I loved The Thick of It.'

I do like nice things; we do live in a great house, but I don't choose my friends by how much money they have or what labels they're wearing.

That's mind-blowing to me that people would say that because you have nice things, you're soft. No, you're soft because your culture is soft.

I don't ever read chat rooms, because if you've got sixteen nice things, number seventeen is always the person that just wants to be contrary.

Every museum is full of nice things. That's the opposite of before. It was important things or serious things. Now we have interesting things.

I like to think that when you take care of yourself, when you do nice things for yourself, it has a nice ripple effect on the rest of the world.

One of the nice things about the Senior Tour is that we can take a cart and cooler. If your game is not going well, you can always have a picnic.

I'm happy I have fans; obviously, they're such great people. When I'm on Twitter and Facebook, they say such nice things that I really appreciate.

There's nothing wrong with having a desire to want nice things. It's when we place that as a measure of the value of ourselves that it goes askew.

One of the nice things about living in Silicon Valley is that I end up at all these conferences and things, and I get to listen in on the zeitgeist.

There is nothing wrong with having nice things, but when you are trying to buy nice things to be happy, you are going to hurt. It's not going to work.

I think a lot of nice things happen when you're driving, or when you're on a plane, or whatever. There's a certain freedom that comes along with motion.

I can honestly say I've never sold any arms to a repressive foreign regime while reassuring everyone at home that the weapons will be used for nice things.

I Googled myself, and I saw some nice things and some not-so-nice things. I've learned that that stuff isn't real, and it doesn't exist unless you look at it.

Success can make you go one of two ways. It can make you a prima donna - or it can smooth the edges, take away the insecurities, let the nice things come out.

I'm not one to say many good things about Obamacare, but one of the nice things in it is it does give a tremendous amount of authority to the secretary of HHS.

I never had money; I like nice things, but I don't let that run my life. At the same time, I have to let something drive me... so now I let the money drive me.

I have a nice house, nice cars, nice watches, nice things. I've got money in the bank. I'm not in need of a few quid - as it stands. It's all irrelevant to me.

You always get one or two people that aren't going to be saying nice things. It doesn't really bother me, but you're always going to get a few people like that.

I don't really like being recognised, to be honest. People say nice things and stuff, but I'm not really in it for that side of things. I just want to play music.

A lot of people stop me to say nice things about 'The West Wing,' nice things about 'Sports Night' - so many people that I'm like, 'Where were you when it was on?'

For the most part this is a place to find down-to-earth advice on everyday cooking, eating, food shopping, cooking equipment, and nice things to put on your table.

There's Catholic guilt about things, then there's the guilt of being the youngest of 10, so when nice things happen to you, you're not really allowed to enjoy them.

I don't conduct my career for when I'm dead and people say nice things about me. I conduct my career for the here and now, and what excites me, and what interests me.

One of the very nice things about investing in the stock market is that you learn about all different aspects of the economy. It's your window into a very large world.

The funny thing is, strangers still seem to feel comfortable coming up to me and saying things, but now usually it's because they recognize me, and they say nice things.

I was excited that my films would finally see the light of day and people would see them. But I never imagined that such nice things would be said about a lot of my films.

You want to have a good job so you can make good money. You want to make good money so you can buy nice things. You want to have nice things so you can impress a nice woman.

The industry doesn't usually say nice things about my work. My films take a while till they are accepted as good and I think 'Yennai Arindhaal' too will go through that phase.

One of the nice things about being a private company is operating without the intensity of public glare. It's hard to grow a company under a microscope of constant second guessing.

Money's a necessary evil, there to give you moments. It gives me things I couldn't have - nice things - but happiness? That's a not a question of money and fame. Quite the opposite.

I may be old-fashioned. But I believe there is such a thing as a search for beauty - a delight in the nice things in the world. And I don't think one should have to apologise for it.

It's nice to have writers write nice things about you and guys on radio and TV say nice things about you, but the guy who's in the locker next to you is the one you play the game for.

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