It's a very nice thing to have a baby.

Nice things are nicer than nasty ones.

I just can't seem to paint nice things.

From a shallow standpoint, I like nice things.

I like nice things. I've always had nice things.

A lot of hard work is hidden behind nice things.

If you live long enough, lots of nice things happen.

Even nice things don't make you happy when you're tired.

Money buys you nice things but it doesn't make you happy.

I don't do vulgarity, I prefer to talk about nice things.

One nice thing about silence is that it can't be repeated.

I love my nice things, but I'm still the Welsh family girl.

If I just retweet the nice things, it rings hollow after a while.

It's always nice when people say nice things or are complimentary.

It's OK to have nice things happen to you - you should embrace that.

I'm not a good person to have as an enemy; say nice things about me.

The more people say nice things about me, the more I feel it's false.

I'm not going to just say nice things about everybody unless I mean it.

Funny thing, as you become famous, people write less nice things about you.

There was no end to the ways in which nice things are nicer than nasty ones.

When I do nice things for people it just feels so natural. I have a big heart.

I've said nice things about the people I was with before, but that's what you do.

It's very sweet to have people say nice things about you, and I always accept that.

One of the nice things about songwriting is you can be inspired by absolutely anything.

I no longer say nice things about yoga. I was doing yoga so long before everybody else.

I know if I were to drop dead now, people would probably write nice things in the obit.

I think there are nice things about every era. I wish we could just take the nice things.

That's the nice thing about collaborating with someone: Your work becomes a conversation.

People say nice things about me but they don't know what's been going on between my ears.

I must say that it's easy to write nice things about Chicago because it's that kind of town.

I like to make money; I like to have nice things. But I love to act; I love to tell stories.

That was the nice thing about the Spot: you could hear everything, but no one could see you.

Link to your competitors and say nice things about them. Remember, you're part of an industry.

One of the nice things about science fiction is that it lets us carry out thought experiments.

One of the nice things about the world of filmmaking is that you make friends in the business.

People come up and say very nice things about my work, like, 'You were great in 'Blood Diamond!'

What other people think of me isn't any of my business but it's nice when people say nice things.

One of the nice things about acting is that it allows you to open up to the other people within you.

All the nice things about Suzanne are me. All the things that aren't nice, that was just the writing.

If you want your children to improve, let them overhear the nice things you say about them to others.

Well, they put me in a booth and then did some nice things to the speaker to make it come out sounding ok.

One of the nice things about problems is that a good many of them do not exist except in our imaginations.

There's so many nice things about being single; you have yourself really present with you like 100 percent.

One of the nice things about not working on a TV show anymore is that I'm not on any particular kind of clock.

You can act as nice as you can 100% of the time, and it will still not make everybody say nice things about you.

All players want nice things to be said and written about them and you have to take the reverse in equal measure.

It's always nice to hear nice things, but I don't suddenly go out and think I'm the best thing since sliced bread.

Even people who believe they deserve to be happy and have nice things often don't feel worthy once they have them.

One of the nice things about being busy is it makes you focus on what's important to you and how you use your time.

Michael Arndt, that guy - you're just supposed to say nice things about other writers, but I worship Michael Arndt.

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