Knowledge relaxes me. Football is all about playing faster. You play faster when you know more.

Whether it's one play in the NFL or 1,000 plays in the NFL, your pads will come off eventually.

I've had times where I walked up to the line, where I know the play, but don't know what to do.

Michelle Tafoya - best NFL sideline reporter - period. She is always prepared and professional.

My job is to protect the integrity of the NFL and to make sure the game is as safe as possible.

I didn't make the Pro Bowl until my seventh year I think in the NFL. We continually got better.

To me, the coaching profession is one of the noblest and most far-reaching in building manhood.

I am disappointed and disturbed by both the NFL and the Dodgers - but much more by the Dodgers.

I had a choice to be lazy or lean - if I hadn't changed, thing probably would catch up with me.

Teams like the Patriots stress situational football moreso than a lot of other teams in the NFL.

I normally run the 40-yard dash in 4.9, but when a 280-pound guy is chasing me, I run it in 4.6.

I saw a survey and it is that NFL fans are fed up with listening to players talk about politics.

In life, you'll have your back up against the wall many times. You might as well get used to it.

I will remain in relentless pursuit of continuing my lifelong dream of being an NFL quarterback.

I love 'Game of Thrones' just as much as I love watching the NFL; I think a lot of fans do, too.

We have no leadership. They rule by herd. Nobody is in charge. It reminds me of a bunch of cows.

As a punt returner in the NFL, I know all about teamwork, high-speeds, and collisions on Sundays.

There's a fine line between playing with fear and then taking bad plays and playing with no fear.

I like to run the slants. The slants are cool. I like routes that you can catch the ball running.

Just to have the opportunity to play in the NFL, I think it's the biggest dream come true for me.

I've tried to do everything possible to prepare myself and prepare our football team to be great.

I always say a rapper is like a halfback in the NFL. You got about seven years, then it's a wrap.

In my very first NFL game, I completed my first pass to Hall of Fame running back Marshall Faulk.

On the football field I keep my emotions tied up inside. But when I'm with family, I let them out.

Every cop isn't a bad cop just like every NFL player that makes a mistake, we're not all bad guys.

Having bands in the NFL would take up seats. If you take up seats in the NFL, you're losing money.

It wasn't until after I became famous that people noticed I played in the NFL. I kind of snuck in!

As bad as some of the teams in the NFL seem to be, they all have way more talent than any college.

When I graduated from Utah, I was headed into the biggest job interview of my life, the NFL Draft.

I've said this time and time again: Dante Scarnecchia is the best offensive line coach in the NFL.

When you care about a guy beyond just the field, that's when the chemistry becomes really special.

Ever since I was growing up, I knew I was going to play in the NFL. I never thought anything else.

I've always known that if I got the right opportunity and the right system, I could be successful.

My father was an NFL running back, so I feel like I might be more susceptible, genetically, to CTE.

As an NFL rookie, I had to buy meals for older guys. I appreciate hierarchy. I understand teamwork.

For years, the NFL was the one league apparently immune from ratings downturns of any significance.

There is a lot of information to know, but I prepare for the NFL Draft by coming to work every day.

The only story my grandfather tells me about his days in the NFL is how much better he was than me.

There is no formula to making it to the NFL other than good fortune and and playing well in college.

Nobody really doubted me playing football, making it to the NFL. I was like, 'I know I can do that.'

Absolutely everything undergoes evolvement - whether it's technology, journalism, the NFL, medicine.

I've always thought it's a great privilege to be a part of the NFL. Every day, you just treasure it.

I'd love to play basketball with the president, or throw the football around or something like that.

A better ending could not have been scripted. Of course, if we had won, that would have been better.

I feel like a lot of runners in the NFL: the more they get the ball, the more they get into a rhythm.

I admire every kicker in the NFL. I know how hard it is to be successful on a week-in-week-out basis.

I don't know if there ever has been anyone in the NFL who plays his position as well as Steve Tasker.

I think the Canadian Football League is a great league, but it's not the NFL, and I'm not Jerry Rice.

A lot of times, I got confused for a kicker. And I've been compared to every white player in the NFL.

I'm proud to be Archie's son. Being a quarterback, I had my mentor and hero living in the same house.

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