Never expect the votes to come.

I never expect a soldier to think.

I never expect business to be easy.

I never expect I would become a K-pop star.

Never expect anything, but plan for everything.

Why do we never expect dull people to be rascals?

Never expect anything, ye will never be demoralized

You would never expect a black woman to be the hero.

I never expect to see a perfect work from an imperfect man.

One who doesn't throw the dice can never expect to score a six.

Never expect too much from a friend and you will never want for one.

Never expect people to treat you any better than you treat yourself.

That’s the thing you never expect about grieving, what a competition it is.

Never expect a loan to a friend to be paid back if you want to keep that friend.

There are moments when the human body can overcome things you would never expect.

I maintain that I never expect anything, therefore I'm always pleasantly surprised.

I never expect to lose. Even when I'm the underdog, I still prepare a victory speech.

You never expect anything when you are 20 because you think that you'll never get older.

Oh, he's magic. Faulkner has opened passages in my brain. You do things you'd never expect.

I never expect anything. The more good things that happen the better, but I never expect anything.

I never expect anything; I just go make a movie. I do the best I can, and whatever happens, happens.

You can never expect things to happen like they did the last time. You still have to put in the work.

Never expect anybody - except possibly your analyst - to be as thrilled about your sex life as you are.

I can't believe I've met the royal family. It's, like, one of those things you never expect to do in your life.

I'm usually rough during Spring Training. My Spring Training numbers aren't very good, but I never expect them to be.

Man can never expect to start from scratch; he must start from ready-made things, like even his own mother and father.

Every time I play in a movie, I never expect that it'll be huge. I don't like thinking about that, because it's so scary.

Every time I listen to Jeff Beck my whole view of guitar changes radically. He's way, way out, doing things you never expect.

We'd never expect to understand a piece of music on one listen, but we tend to believe we've read a book after reading it just once.

When I prepare for a fight, I never expect it to be easy. I believe that that would create a chance for me to not give my best in the Octagon.

No, I think it taught me to be independent and never expect a handout and never wait for anybody to hand you anything in any aspect of my life.

I never expect anything from anybody. I'm a bit Scottish like that - I don't like to be disappointed and let down. I like to take life very slowly.

Sometimes, in the last minute, against big teams... you never expect you have the chance to win, but there is that 'garra' that everyone talks about.

I never expect someone to work with me forever. I want to give you the experience needed so that when it is time to pursue what you want to in life you are ready.

I was a huge 'Pyromania' fan. You would never expect it, but I was in love with Iron Maiden; I was such a huge fan. I went to a lot of rock stuff like Van Halen, too.

Whatever show I go to, no matter what it is - and I go to a lot of them - people say, 'Wow, I'd never expect to see you here.' I always say, 'Where do you expect to see me?'

I wouldn't give Charles Barkley an apology at gunpoint. He can never expect an apology from me... If anything, he owes me an apology for coming to play with his sorry, fat butt.

I hoped that Obama would be a delivery vehicle for change on issues I care about, but I never expect one politician to be the solution to the diverse array of issues I care about.

I have entered the field to die, if need be, for this government, and never expect to return to peaceful pursuits until the object of this war of preservation has become a fact established.

Try to love someone who you want to hate, because they are just like you, somewhere inside, in a way you may never expect, in a way that resounds so deeply within you that you cannot believe it.

Never expect that your startup can cover every aspect of the market. The key is knowing what segment will respond to your unique offering. Who your product appeals to is just as important as the product itself.

Simon and I are good pals. We're friends except when we walk out on 'The X Factor,' he always has a go at me. And I never expect it. We're good friends behind the scenes, we do Westlife together, we are friends.

I never expect anything. I am always amazed at why anybody goes to any movie or why anybody doesn't go to any movie. Any movie you make, you make it because you're hoping somebody wants to see it, but you never know.

You know, I find it so difficult being a... as a matter of fact, little do people know that most of the leading members of the cast have a background that they would never expect them to have, and play the show they did.

There's no way we could play a country song as well as a country band or a Latin song as well as a Latin band. We could never expect to do that. We just keep doing what we do, what we know how to do. We sound like ourselves.

Look, the reality is that people will pay more for a match when Wayne Rooney is playing than when I am playing. I will never expect to be paid the same as Wayne Rooney, because I am not Wayne Rooney. And there's no getting around that.

The three of us just try put our heads down and stay creative. The awards truly are just cake. It's one of those things that you never expect, but getting the head nod from either the fans or your peers, that's the ultimate compliment.

Certainly paleontologists have found samples of an extremely small fraction, only, of the earth's extinct species, and even for groups that are most readily preserved and found as fossils they can never expect to find more than a fraction.

As a novelist, there are three phone calls you never expect to receive in your lifetime because if you waited for them you would grow despairing - one calling from Stockholm with a Swedish accent, one from the NBA, and one from Oprah Winfrey.

I have to say 'Celebrity Apprentice' is an eye-opener - what people call each other, what people say about each other. This is different - because this is a business atmosphere, you would never expect it. There was a lot of cattiness going on. It was something that I wasn't used to.

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