The Internet is neither good nor bad. It's neutral - it becomes for each of us exactly what we bring to it.

Like all technology, social media is neutral but is best put to work in the service of building a better world.

Neutral looks are nice to look at, but I think that with some added drama you can make any outfit more beautiful.

It was difficult being a neutral broadcaster - in the people's eyes - because of my association with the Celtics.

The FCC has made it clear it would punish a cable or phone company for deviating from providing 'neutral' access.

I can't pretend I'm some robot that's always neutral. I need to share my opinion - and sometimes aggressively so.

As a comedian and satirist you have to be neutral, because everyone's fair game. Once you show bias, you lose that.

My belief is that no movie, nothing in life, leaves people neutral. You either leave them up or you leave them down.

I can never really remember what I look like. I'm just sort of neutral. I don't think I'm sort of, you know, hideous.

To be honest, the Nidahas Trophy has taught me too many things. Actually, I learnt to how to stay neutral after that.

In all disputes between conflicting governments, it is our interest not less than our duty to remain strictly neutral.

All metallics are neutrals. So it is absolutely fine to mix gold and silver; you just want it to look like it has purpose.

If you ask me about my chosen colour palette for the clothes I wear myself, I'm usually one for more neutral, subtle shades.

When I'm in Jerusalem, I stay at the American Colony Hotel, neutral territory: the secret peace talks of 1992/3 started there.

Washing one's hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral.

Teaching has always been, for me, linked to issues of social justice. I've never considered it a neutral or passive profession.

But even race-neutral policies and recruitment efforts designed to achieve greater diversity are, in the end, not race neutral.

Gray is great. People think gray is a neutral, but I think it's such a moody, intense, dramatic and sexy color. It's very sleek.

I didn't know there were options like gender neutral or gender fluid. I later realized you could be a girl and dress like a guy.

I'm never interested in writing a kind of neutral, universal novel that could be set anywhere. To me, the novel is a local thing.

The whole essence of humanitarian work and the Geneva Convention is that neutral, impartial organisations can operate during war.

To me, nothing in the art world is neutral. The idea of 'disinterest' strikes me as boring, dishonest, dubious, and uninteresting.

Beans are such a nice, neutral canvas, you can make a big, basic pot of them and then play around with them differently every day.

Never break the neutrality of a port or place, but never consider as neutral any place from whence an attack is allowed to be made.

I wasn't raised Catholic; I just really like the image of a neutral and benign Mary floating around somewhere, being nice to people.

I love the light-brown shadow I made with Colourpop. It's a nice matte and neutral color that gives a bit of definition on the lids.

I love a bright lip with a neutral eye. It's an easy, wearable look that gives brightness to your face without looking over-the-top.

I know that when you take a risk, the consequence will never be a neutral response; it will either be very positive or very negative.

I don't believe there's any inherent darkness at the center of religion at all. I think religion actually is a morally neutral force.

I think it's very important to have a sense of balance in covering the war, but you don't have to be morally neutral about terrorism.

Sayles could pull a performance out of a dog. I'm serious. He was just amazing. The world could fall apart and he remained on neutral.

Pious XII was too neutral to mention the gas chambers; decent people like my own family were turned into devils by crude Christianity.

Colors are important. People are in clinical depression whether they are on medication or not. Neutrals are another form of medication.

If God is sovereign, then it is impossible for civil government to be neutral on issues of law. All law is based in some religious code.

Big-government economics breeds crony capitalism. It's corrupt, anything but neutral, and a barrier to broad participation in prosperity.

Dried porcini add a substantial, deep flavour to otherwise more neutral vegetables. I use them in risottos, mashed roots and winter soups.

Sometimes I get the feeling the whole world is against me, but deep down I know that's not true. Some of the smaller countries are neutral.

I'm an incredibly negative person, so any form of success is only ever going to be a relief to me and set my default position back to neutral.

My father values talent. He is colorblind and gender neutral. When Donald Trump is in charge, all that counts is ability, excellence, and effort.

It's really easy to get colors right. It's really hard to get black - and neutrals - right. Black is certainly a color but it's also an illusion.

I think that technologies are morally neutral until we apply them. It's only when we use them for good or for evil that they become good or evil.

I see and write things first as an artist, second as a woman, and third as a New Yorker. All three have built-in perspectives that aren't neutral.

Knowledge is gender neutral, and hence the 21st century offers a great opportunity to level the gender inequity of the last thousand years in India.

It used to be an article of faith held across parliament that the government should be 'technology neutral' to achieve cost-effective decarbonisation.

I don't think of me as, quote, 'coming out,' because I was never 'in.' I rarely, if ever, spoke about my private life and remain as neutral as possible.

The only ground on which a neutral State can claim respect at the hands of belligerents is, that, so far as she is concerned, their rights are protected.

AIs trained on open data are more likely to be neutral and trustworthy instead of biased by the interests of the corporation who created and trained them.

Clinton impressed Assad: a young man who appeared to want to be neutral in the Arab-Israeli dispute - an illusion of course, but that's what Assad thought.

I am very gender fluid and feel more like I wake up every day sort of gender neutral. I cop a fair bit of flack for going from 'such a babe to such a boy.'

The question is not whether we want to keep this open, neutral Internet - we do, or should - but whether government rulemaking can give us the result we want.

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