Nature is neutral.

Fame is morally neutral.

Technology is not neutral.

My neutral accent is Bolton.

I am neutral when a film fails.

I had hoped God would be neutral.

Neutral men are the devil's allies.

Peace is neutral, and not very sexy.

Technology is not good, it's neutral.

I have a fearless but neutral personality.

There is no such thing as a neutral therapist.

Style is not neutral; it gives moral directions.

Music gave me that neutral lane to relate with everyone.

Tools are not neutral. The computer is not a neutral tool.

We've always been more gender neutral than any other sport.

Judges have to be neutral, but they don't have to be eunuchs.

I keep my opinions to myself. I'm neutral - like Switzerland.

Technology is neutral, but it all depends on the way we use it.

I think the idea of journalists being neutral is very important.

I'm always the neutral guy, man. I'm able to bring people together.

I'm the kind of person whom you like or hate, you never stay neutral.

We are a small country and we have limited influence so we are neutral.

I've very into grays and neutrals. They match with basically everything.

We are not a superpower like the U.S. We are a small and neutral country.

I'm from New York. I have a non, neutral accent. It can go any way you want.

I have a good relationship with Russians, and with Americans. So I'm neutral.

Be it high or low, it doesn't matter. I need to stay calm and neutral all the time.

I'm supposed to be neutral when I do my job. But I'm a fan and I have my favorites.

I think, politically, I'm pretty left-wing, and I try to be very neutral in my work.

The point I'm trying to make is, I'm really quite neutral. I have not been conditioned.

Cambodia wanted no part of SEATO. We would look after ourselves as neutrals and Buddhists.

In war you're either a collaborator or you're a resistor. I mean you don't get to be neutral.

I love it when these Internet dudes say to me, 'Hey man, we just want to be 'content neutral.'

It is absolutely essential that one should be neutral and not fall in love with the hypothesis.

Time is neutral and does not change things. With courage and initiative, leaders change things.

At Ozon, salaries are evaluated every year based on market benchmarks which are gender neutral.

The Constitution is not neutral. It was designed to take the government off the backs of people.

I'll offset neutral shades with bright colors. It helps me stand out without looking cartoonish.

D is a wholesome key. It's not bland, like C. It's not neutral. It's probably on the bright side.

I'm not a fashion person, but I would describe my style as very neutral. I love a good silk slip.

The role of the federal government should be neutral toward culture just as it is toward religion.

My very first news director said to me that it's better to be hated than to have viewers be neutral.

The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict.

People who demand neutrality in any situation are usually not neutral but in favor of the status quo.

My basics are black, white, or neutral, and I'll wear a ton of jewelry or carry a brightly colored bag.

Infrastructure investment can boost economic growth and employment, and, in fact, it is fiscally neutral.

I think the idea of the obstruction through the neutral zone and away from the puck was an excellent rule.

Not Going Out' is a pretty neutral sitcom - to quote the 'Seinfeld' thing, it's not really about anything.

I'm not saying that people should stop flying. I'm just saying it needs to be easier to be climate neutral.

A lot of brands are saying they're going to make 'gender neutral' clothing. But clothing is gender neutral.

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