I have a tremendous network of friends and colleagues at other firms.

Network heads don't seemed to be turned off by the men who get older.

I'm perfectly happy to color within the network lines when I have to.

The Internet freedom issue we need to focus on is network neutrality.

I've done 10 or 11 pilots for network television, which is ridiculous.

I have two syndicated radio shows though United Stations Radio Network.

FreeBSD has a nicely tuned network stack and extremely good reliability.

YouTube is the hippest network, and they abuse copyright right and left.

I have no other network to compare it to, but FOX has treated me lovely.

I have no problem at all going back and forth between cable and network.

The ARPAnet was the first transcontinental, high-speed computer network.

Dealing with network executives is like being nibbled to death by ducks.

Any time you build a network, you have to help users find their friends.

There's nobody who has as big of a real-time logistics network than Uber.

I think the semantics of mini-series for a network is that it has an end.

We have to have humor to survive 22 episodes a year of network television.

In network TV, you have to present the box before you can step outside it.

I'm a pretty private person. I live in Texas, and I like my small network.

I love CNN. I love the Cartoon Network. I mean, I thought these things up.

There are more conservatives on Fox. But we are not a conservative network.

My favorite charity is the Women's Refugee Commission and the Nomi network.

Networking, of course, is great, but the best way to network is to do work.

I'm not a cook. I like to watch the Food Network, but I don't like to cook.

You know, people aren't watching a network: they're watching cable channels.

The budget on cable television is dramatically less than network television.

I'm a big foodie and I love the Food Network. I watch it alarmingly too much.

I hate spam, and that's what happens when you let businesses onto the network.

We had more viewers on the broadcast network than we did on the cable channel.

Without network neutrality, cable and phone companies could stifle innovation.

World makers, social network makers, ask one question first: 'How can I do it?'

We have a reliable computerized network devoted to counterterrorist activities.

Network shows shoot so fast, so you kind of have to just go with your instinct.

The problem is foster youth don't really have this network that other kids have.

If I went in to pitch this show to a network, I would be laughed out of the room.

For the working actor, there's nothing more stable than a network television show.

Radio 4 Extra is the network which offers the broadcasting version of eternal life.

It's almost impossible to totally eliminate terrible content in a huge open network.

When I was a publisher of CNN, I took responsibility for the actions of the network.

MSNBC got rid of so many black people, I thought Boko Haram was running that network.

My goal was always to take a talk show to the network. I never wanted to be on MSNBC.

'Network' was formidable in the sense that I was playing a strong, avant-garde woman.

I've avoided doing network shows because I don't think they're true to real families.

My biggest point to everybody is you have a responsibility to build your own network.

In a network situation, a vice president, while he's shaving, can decide your history.

The world is changing, and the Internet is about to become the next broadcast network.

TechStars offers a network, and being a part of that network is an awesome opportunity.

The blame for the 9/11 attacks lays squarely and exclusively with the Al-Qaeda network.

Don't overstate Fox News. It's still much smaller than the least of the network niches.

I think Twitter is the future of communications and Square will be the payment network.

Put me on the Food Network - I'll be the funniest guy talking about food. I don't care.

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