I get nervous all the time. Both on and off stage. You just hope it turns into adrenaline.

I know when things are going to get me a little nervous, because nervous to me feels good.

It's okay to feel nervous before a competition because it means you care about doing well.

Culture now spreads at central nervous system speed. It’s a shame that compassion doesn’t.

The mission of DNA is to evolve nervous systems capable of deciphering the mission of DNA.

I love travelling with my laptop because I get a bit nervous if I can't access my e-mails.

The forward bend really relaxes the nervous system and brings blood flow back to the brain.

My first show was in front of 30,000 people with will.i.am, and I wasn't even that nervous.

Nervous and excitable persons need to talk a great deal, by way of letting off their steam.

I've never been more nervous in my life than singing the national anthem at the Super Bowl.

So, suddenly I was an actor. I don't remember being nervous. I learned to be nervous later.

You've got to feel a little nervous when you first meet Spielberg. The guy's an apparition.

True! - nervous - very, very nervous I had been and am; but why will you say that I am mad?

Order and disorder, form and formless must have profound psychological roots, nervous roots.

There are so many rules about play writing. I'd have a nervous breakdown if I followed them.

I don't want to work with someone who's nervous, I want to work with someone who is fearless

People keep asking how anthropology is different from sociology, and everybody gets nervous.

I get nervous when I don't get nervous. If I'm nervous I know I'm going to have a good show.

I don't get stage fright. I do get nervous before I play in front of big audiences [though].

Most of my career I've spent really nervous. Just about work, getting work and having it in.

I was a tiger, a good fighter, in good shape, but I was always nervous before boxing matches.

I'd have a nervous breakdown except that I've been through this too many times to be nervous.

With a suit, even if you're having a nervous breakdown, you still look like you're in charge.

I can talk to execs very clearly, very plainly. I don't get nervous in front of them anymore.

When my dad died, I developed a nervous habit. He was very shy and quiet, and I was like him.

Being in the stands is very difficult. I was never playing but I am nervous watching, waiting.

Being in a Grand Slam, doesn't matter what you did before, it's always nervous and excitement.

I'm still nervous before I start any episode. I never feel completely secure, and I love that.

I was so nervous on the night of my honeymoon, I put my pants to bed, and I hung over a chair.

I can't avoid writing. It's a sort of nervous tic I have developed since I gave up needlepoint.

I'm usually nervous to meet people that I admire because what if they're not cool or something?

Guns make me very nervous. They're dangerous. I'm more of a pacifist than anyone could imagine.

As you get older, the more you know, so the more nervous you become. The risks are much bigger.

When it comes to flying, I am a nervous passenger but a confident drinker and Valium-swallower.

I was so nervous to turn 40, but the last year and a half has been the most fun I have ever had.

Are you asking me to undress, Tris?' A nervous laugh gurgles from my throat. 'Only ... partially

I like to smile. I smile even when I'm nervous since it calms me down and shows my friendliness.

I was very nervous about going up to teach at Stanford and very nervous even about going to ARPA.

Don't try to be what you're not. If you're nervous, be nervous. If you're shy, be shy. It's cute.

I love tennis more than designing because it's actually easier and I don't get nearly as nervous.

If my mother hadn't encouraged me, I would be nervous and feeling like I'm doing something wrong.

My worst date would be with someone nervous who has nothing to say. I like people who inspire me.

I was very nervous about going up to teach at Stanford and very nervous even about going to ARPA.

I can't do talk shows, I don't do them, just because I get really nervous and fidgeting and shaky.

I'd say the only time I ever get nervous is around great ballet dancers or people I really admire.

I was never nervous. That's not me, ... Nervousness, scariness, that's not even in our vocabulary.

It's the Masters. If that doesn't get you nervous and your juices flowing, I don't know what does.

I met Pele once. I am not often nervous but in this moment I was shaking. He's a wonderful person.

I'm never really nervous because I've done the maximum; now it's up to the audience to do its job.

The more prepared I am, the more I'll be in control, less nervous, less stressed and more focused.

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