There's always nerves when you're releasing something.

I don't like money actually, but it quiets the nerves.

New York is too strenuous for me; it gets on my nerves.

The riding of young horses is an excellent nerve tonic.

Money does not make you happy but it quiets the nerves.

Money can't buy happiness, but it does quiet the nerves.

I just grate on my own nerves. I don't like to watch me.

Even when you are there on top, you feel the same nerves.

The nerve. Threatening you and not being precise about it.

Acting touches nerves you have absolutely no control over.

Alcohol is perfect for me to curb the nerves a little bit.

there was nothing like necessity to supply a lack of nerve.

Explore thyself. Herein are demanded the eye and the nerve.

His nerve, his memory, and I can't remember the third thing.

Many think they have a kind heart who have only weak nerves.

It's not enough to be nice in life. You've got to have nerve.

I don't have half the nerves there that I have anywhere else.

absence can be present, like a damaged nerve, like a dark bird

anger and jealousy are spasms of the nerves, not of the heart.

I find acting slightly nerve racking, but I like the challenge.

Have a little compassion on my nerves. You tear them to pieces.

I think genius can have a lot to do with nerve. And permission.

The great American game should be an unrelenting war of nerves.

Magnus, I wish I had the nerve to wear the kind of pants you do.

Every athlete acquires routines as a way to help control nerves.

Once I'm on stage, the energy of the crowd wipes my nerves away.

Im a Southerner - I never take satisfaction in touching a nerve.

Everybody just gets on my nerves after like, 10 minutes, you know.

Pessimism is only the name that men of weak nerves give to wisdom.

Nerves can happen to even the best of us. It's not easy to compete.

I think any movie star who refuses autographs has a hell of a nerve

The bigger the crowd the better really! The noise calms your nerves.

With dance, you learn to channel nerves into energy, excited energy.

One should never regret one's excesses, only one's failures of nerve.

The reason fat people are happy is that the nerves are well protected.

I'm confident and when you have power like me, it relaxes your nerves.

To control your nerves, you must have a positive thought in your mind.

Every nerve that can thrill with pleasure, can also agonize with pain.

There's a lot of nerves. It all goes away though once they say "fight".

Footage of young people getting shot. That bothers me. It hits a nerve.

It's nerve wracking being in the stadium with so many people supporting.

I've taken up sculpting. I thought it might help the nerves in my hands.

If nerves undo you, then you're unlikely to make it as a top footballer.

The nerves are still there. I might just do a better job at hiding them.

Nerves are normal. You can't be cured from them unless you're a machine.

You need nerves of steel if climbing aboard a rocket is your career path.

The meek shall inherit the earth. They won't have the nerve to refuse it.

You will never lose your nerve. Your life, probably, but never your nerve.

At the core of the risk-free society is a self-indulgent failure of nerve.

They say nerves heal real slowly. Lots of things about us heal real slowly.

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