Nepotism exists everywhere.

My father was against nepotism.

This town was built on nepotism.

Nepotism has always existed in Bollywood.

Nepotism is the bedrock of social existence.

There is no nepotism in the Hindi film industry.

Nepotism sometimes can be a lose-lose situation.

I can tolerate anything but corruption and nepotism.

One would be lying if they say nepotism doesn't exist.

Nepotism is a natural thing that happens in every field.

When in doubt, you bring in relatives. Nepotism is a part of my work.

Nepotism exists - not just in Bollywood but in every profession in India.

I don't believe in nepotism. I don't much like the idea of parents who interfere.

This country has moved away from the politics of caste, nepotism, and appeasement.

Of course nepotism exists, but if star kids are not good at what they do, they won't last.

I've never really turned to my dad for anything, I think out of fear of the label of nepotism.

Acting is a fair business. If you are not going to bring in the audience, no nepotism will work.

Nepotism is an overrated debate. It exists everywhere and I have been telling this from the day one.

At the end of the day nepotism has been there it's always going to be there don't expect it to change.

I would gladly have accepted a heaping spoonful of nepotism when I got out of college and was looking for a job.

I've always been, with acting, very hesitant to get myself into situations where I would be accused of nepotism.

I think the debate around nepotism is futile because I am an outsider and I know that there is no compensation of talent.

I am a product of nepotism. I don't think I would have had the profession that I'm in currently... if it wasn't for my dad.

The Syrian army is tired of corruption. It is tired of party nepotism. It is becoming very angry with those it blames for the war.

I stand by it. I take the criticism for it. I think it's unfair, but yes, there is a thing about nepotism, and we all try to respect it.

Nepotism and outsiders are two sides of the same coin that is Bollywood. They both have to co-exist. Both have their share of struggles.

My dad became a soap opera actor, and I was an extra in a skating rink scene on the soap. I didn't audition. It was nepotism all the way.

It's no exaggeration that nepotism exists in our film industry. Had I not been the daughter of Chunky Panday, it would not be that easy for me.

A doctor's son can become a doctor, and no one screams nepotism. I don't understand why, in this industry, people keep saying 'Nepotism, nepotism.'

Everyone thinks that it's all glamorous and I've gotten everything. When people hate me for nepotism, I'm not going to shy away from that I'm Chunky Panday's daughter.

I think because there is the constant looming threat of nepotism and judgment, I really tried to separate what I was doing at MTV, my auditions, anything I was doing creatively, from my family.

If you have access and don't have the talent to back it up, people won't invest their money in you. Having said that, I do believe nepotism exists and it exists in all industries, not just Bollywood.

Basically, one of the hardest things about being an actor is getting your first break. I'm a product of nepotism. The doors were open to me. I'd done several movies before I decided what I wanted to do.

Everybody gets everything handed to them. The rich inherit it. I don't mean just inheritance of money. I mean what people take for granted among the middle and upper classes, which is nepotism, the old-boy network.

People cried nepotism every time I was on the field. But I played for a lot of coaches before I played for my father, and I started for everybody. He wasn't the first person who all the sudden put me in the starting lineup.

Writing can be taken up at any point. But you need to remember that the arts are fundamentally unfair. Hard work and diligence won't necessarily take you all the way. Talent, nepotism, influence, and pure luck play a huge part.

Joe was being called a liar and a traitor; I'm being accused of nepotism, of being a glorified secretary. The stresses that that places on an individual and, of course, a marriage were tremendous. It was - there were some dark days.

My journey is different from other star brothers, kids, or sisters. I think that is one of the main reasons that people don't question me on this. So far, the media and the audiences have not really roped me into the ambit of nepotism.

The original communitarianism of Chinese Confucian society has degenerated into nepotism, a system of family linkages, and corruption, on the mainland. And remnants of the evils of the original system are still found in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and even Singapore.

For me, growing up, the downside of it was that as a kid you don't want to stand out. You don't want to have a famous father let alone get a job because of your famous father, you know? But I'm a product of nepotism. That's how I got my foot in the door, through my dad.

The same Republicans who had threatened to impeach Hillary Clinton remained silent when, immediately after his surprise victory, Trump refused to abide by laws about emoluments or nepotism, openly profiting from the presidency and filling the White House with personal relatives.

I think, so often, people go quick to that nepotism: 'I should be OK; my cousin's a producer. I can get into the movie.' How about audition, earn the part, and feel confident in knowing that the director felt you were the right person for the job versus hiring you because you know somebody?

Unfortunately, corruption is widespread in government agencies and public enterprises. Our political system promotes nepotism and wasting money. This has undermined our legal system and confidence in the functioning of the state. One of the consequences is that many citizens don't pay their taxes.

A lot of nepotism that exists, actually, exists outside this industry because in this industry, behind the camera a director's son becomes a director and a producer's son becomes a producer and that is still understandable that they are carrying their legacy but for actors, it is very very different.

Actors should stop complaining about nepotism. I am uneducated - I was asked to leave school in Class 11. I came to Mumbai with only Rs 300, yet there is no one in this industry who has not been nice to me. From filmmakers who have given me work to people who have given me advice, I feel blessed to have them in my life.

Due process gives teachers the latitude to use their professional judgment in their classrooms, to advocate for their students, and to not fear retribution for speaking the truth or teaching controversial subjects like evolution. As political winds shift in school districts, due process also wards off patronage or nepotism.

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