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My whole world before I joined the Navy was my neighborhood in the Bronx.
I live in a neighborhood so bad that you can get shot while getting shot.
I don't wanna just be remembered for the funniest guy in my neighborhood.
Whining lets the brute know there's a victim for him in the neighborhood!
There was a lot of temptation to do lots of bad things in my neighborhood.
There's gonna be a general lack of toast in the neighborhood this morning.
I just wanted to impress the guys in the neighborhood that I grew up with.
But, when I was about thirteen, I began to sort of sing in my neighborhood.
Great powers reserve the right to police bad actors in their neighborhoods.
Never whine. Whining lets a brute know that a victim is in the neighborhood.
I won't live in a mostly Mexican neighborhood. I'm sorry I just won't do it.
I grew up in a neighborhood that had a lot of things to offer, good and bad.
Loiter in the neighborhood of a problem. After a while a solution strolls by.
I'm from the hood. You put me in a rough neighborhood and believe me, I'm OK.
I grew up kind of a tomboy and I used to fight with all the neighborhood boys.
You have to understand - I come from a neighborhood where 'The Wire' was filmed.
Child care should be convenient, affordable, and available in every neighborhood.
It’s easier to accumulate wealth if you don’t live in a high-status neighborhood.
I'd worship the ground you walked on if only you walked in a better neighborhood.
I grew up in the neighborhood where Eric Garner died. No one knows that about me.
I live in a neighborhood where there's a lot of West Indian culture, so it's nice.
I longed for funny stories about the sort of children who lived in my neighborhood.
I live in a very nice neighborhood. There's nothing that really goes on around here.
Dive bars rely on a steady stream of neighborhood regulars to keep their doors open.
As a teenager, there was a young girl in my neighborhood that I ended up falling for.
Young Thug, he gave me all the jewels. He literally paid me to leave the neighborhood.
Everyone is treating it like a Hollywood story. In Madison, it's a neighborhood story.
But my friends, these people in Egypt have stood by us in a tough, tough neighborhood.
It's a nice neighborhood, like the one I left. My home borough is Brooklyn and Queens.
On that terrible day, a nation became a neighborhood. All Americans became New Yorkers.
I like being active and riding a bike around my neighborhood and exercising when I can.
I am always drawn back to places where I have lived, the houses and their neighborhoods.
The neighborhood where I live has little canals, and there are a lot of houseboats there.
Homelessness and behavioral health challenges affect every neighborhood in San Francisco.
Jack Kennedy was one year older than I was, and we attended the same neighborhood school.
Part of our pedagogy is, you report on what's going on in your neighborhood and your city.
I came from a real tough neighborhood. I put my hand in some cement and felt another hand.
Livable neighborhoods with a vibrant street life will stimulate our economic life as well.
My father bought a house in Panther Hollow. We were the first Italians in the neighborhood.
Then there was a kid in the neighborhood about three blocks away, his name was Bobby Beavis.
Around my neighborhood, I'm known as the American who talks to her computer while she types.
I was an only child, a hard-case kid, in a rough neighborhood. But I always fought my battles.
In my neighborhood... they view the police as someone who comes to take their loved ones away.
The PSTN is like a well-manicured neighborhood, while the internet is like a crime-ridden slum,
I never felt out of control. It was just the way I lived my life. I was the neighborhood bully.
You can take the guy out of the neighorhood but you can't take the neighborhood out of the guy.
And since I’m going to be in the neighborhood, you thought I might do as an escort? To an orgy?
I wanted to be that cranky old guy that stands on his porch and yells at the neighborhood kids.
When immigrants go into the worse neighborhood and they fix it up, they should become citizens.
There are neighborhoods in Baghdad where you and I could walk through those neighborhoods today.