Only fools need suffer to learn.

We need a renaissance of wonder.

You're a cop. I need a doughnut.

great books are the ones we need

We need empathy to give empathy.

Any kind of vision needs people.

Not everything needs to be fixed

Where's the need of singing now?

We need help, the poet reckoned.

We need a break from Capitalism.

The need itself is not the call.

Art needs no spur beyond itself.

Strength is the outcome of need.

Unhappy failures need not apply.

I need to go where I feel loved.

You need a danger to be safe in.

We have as much time as we need.

What we need is endless courage.

Democracy needs a moral compass.

A lot of artists need structure.

We're going to need a bigger dock

You need to be silly to be funny.

Cuba needs a dose of perestroika.

I'm a big woman. I need big hair.

We all possess the need to dream.

A steak needs fat to taste great.

Reform is born of need, not pity.

They need to show a bit more gut.

Sometimes - history needs a push.

Isn't death the boundary we need?

I don't need sound to talk to me.

I need to be able to face things.

Great artists need great clients.

Everybody needs to lower his ego.

The world needs less destruction.

Every man needs a place to go to.

We don't need no stinking badges!

I think the marketing needs work.

I don't need proof, I have faith.

Music and dance are all you need.

Art needs to stand for something.

I need to just find my own peace.

Liars need to have good memories.

He needs both patience and speed.

Even the President needs passion.

Superman don't need no seat belt.

The world needs a strong America.

Everyone in their car needs love.

Sometimes we need help from a god

Many a family tree needs trimming

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