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There is a narrative to every life, and I believe in the classic mode of storytelling that goes back to Homer and carries through to today.
By all means, avoid words—threats, complaints, justification, narratives, reframing, attempts to win arguments, supplications; avoid words!
As an actor I can bring the story, the narrative in each performance. If I can't do that, then… might as well give up as an actor, hadn't I?
I'm interested in ways that digital interfaces can be utilized as powerful narrative devices, and to engage people in new and exciting ways.
We are in this amazing age of television where there's an incredible amount and an incredible quality of television, of long-form narrative.
That decision to commit your life to certain principles and a certain narrative, if I wrote a paper on that, I know I'd find inconsistencies.
Narrative becomes the way you make sense of chaos. That's how you focus the world. It's the only reason you should ever try this writing job.
There were Hollywood movies and then there were those aggressively anti-narrative films that they showed at the Collective for Living Cinema.
'Breaking Bad' and 'The Shield' were planned right from the start so that their narrative trajectory would come down in a blaze of fireworks.
We have a lot of long narrative poems written in the 20th century, but they're not very well known, and they're not read by very many people.
You have to suspend thinking in narratives. The moment you are conscious of yourself the gap opens up. And in this gap, stories are generated.
If you have a good story idea, don't assume it must form a prose narrative. It may work better as a play, a screenplay or a poem. Be flexible.
In art, scandal is a false narrative, a smoke screen that camouflages rather than reveals. When we don't know what we're seeing, we overreact.
In an age where television is viewed as the best medium to 'tell stories,' narrative often stands in for substance on would-be prestige shows.
I see the world as voices, as colors, as it were. From book to book, I change, the subjects change, but the narrative thread remains the same.
The truth about life was that nothing ever ended until you died, and even then you just left a whole bunch of unresolved narratives behind you.
I've been told by people I respect that flashbacks only work if they have their own narrative, but they can't be part of the present narrative.
As the coding movement continues to grow, the common narrative of the white male geek as the predominant influencer on geek culture will erode.
Multimedia is not more media, but the employment of various kinds of media (and hybrid media) for what they each offer to advance the narrative.
For so long, the narrative - I'm speaking for Latinx - we've been invisible, the ones cleaning and taking care of your kids and doing your lawns.
I sort of feel like that's the most revolutionary thing we can do with our narrative for me as Black people is to show that we are just like you.
'Fences' is under the headline of the project of my lifetime. It is the most perfect and undeniably developed narrative that I've ever worked on.
Certainly, my friends and the common narrative is people are trying to shore up their own lives with regards to family planning and reproduction.
The poem is not only the point of origin for all the language and narrative arts, the poem returns us to the very social function of art as such.
It's very rare for the Internet to have a successful narrative show like 'MyMusic.' It's really a case study for what is the future of the sitcom.
Our experience with knowledge, the way we know things, is not that neat. It doesn't fit into a grand narrative, the way we've been taught to read.
A central task for any campaign is to develop a narrative: a short, simple story explaining where we are, how we got here and where we need to go.
What fiction and art can do, particularly narrative art, is construct consciousness - in a sense, we have to do it for the first time, every time.
This unceasing interplay between experience and narrative is a uniquely human attribute. We are the storytellers, the ones who put life into words.
My sister-in-law believes that few narratives are so tightly constructed that you can't skip boring bits and still keep abreast of what's going on.
Suspension of disbelief is a necessary ingredient in all storytelling. So it has been with the government's narrative that it is delivering Brexit.
Most religions live from a narrative that shapes their relationship with the divine other, God or the gods, and with the human other, the stranger.
I think there is this narrative that if you are a black woman, and you are strong, and you are educated, it's like, 'Good luck getting a black man.'
I grew up not reading fiction; I watched movies and read comic books, and one of the ways I taught myself to think about narrative was through film.
Truth may be stranger than fiction on a plot and narrative basis, but fiction can investigate tone in a way that things based on a true story can't.
Every great narrative is at least two narratives, if not more - the thing that is on the surface and then the things underneath which are invisible.
Philosophers are divided on the question of whether the narrative therein unfolded [the Crossman Diaries] is grippingly boring or boringly gripping.
I saw my dad work hard and then would see and know his interest and intentions, and that wasn't necessarily the narrative you would see in the press.
The GOP doesn't seem particularly afraid of being perceived as blocking reform, despite efforts by the Obama White House to establish that narrative.
A continuing narrative throughout Australia's history that says it is better to build up than to tear down - this is the continuing mission of Labor.
One of the great pluses of being an immigrant is you get to start again in terms of your identity. You get to shed the narratives which cling to you.
I went to University College London and read English literature, then realised if you were interested in story and narrative, film was the way to go.
At least in America, the narrative is I'm a Cannes favorite. But, in fact, I've had my best experience in Venice, both with the audience and the jury.
Even as I think of myself as a 'rememberer,' I also know my memory is probably doing all this work to reconstruct a narrative where I come off better.
If readers tell you that stretches of dialogue or narrative were too long, that they couldn't tell who was talking, that's something that can be fixed.
We need narrative; it feeds us in a particular way, and deconstructing it completely before you've actually experienced it, I think it leaves us unfed.
With docs, there's often a very direct communication between the filmmaker and the audience. With narrative movies, we leave it a little bit more open.
Plots are artificial. Does your life have a plot? It has characters. There is a narrative. There's a lot of story, a lot of character. But plot? Eh, no.
If you're not [Federico] Fellini you might make something very vulgar. Animation made it possible to maintain unity with all these different narratives.
My view of an excellent novel was probably set in the golden age of fiction in the 19th century: narrative, character and voice are of equal importance.