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There's an obvious investment in some media circles in the "narrative" of "the pope who's finally going to get with it."
This impeachment narrative started before President Trump was even nominated to the Repub - as the Republican candidate.
When you're scoring music for a film, it has to be interwoven with the narrative, it has to reflect the mood, the ethos.
I start with a mood or an idea that comes from a personal place emotionally, and the narrative concepts come much later.
A plain narrative of any remarkable fact, emphatically related, has a more striking effect without the author's comment.
Because boys tend to dominate the narrative for who's at risk, sometimes they dominate the lion's share of services, too.
Magazine stories, the best ones anyway, are generally a combination of three elements: access, narrative, and disclosure.
To transform experience and thought into language and narrative - that is beautiful even if that beauty is in brokenness.
Momentum, in literary mosaic, derives not from narrative but from the subtle, progressive buildup of thematic resonances.
I do insist on making what I hope is sense so there's always a coherent narrative or argument that the reader can follow.
As I get older, I'm looking more and more for films that are actually about something rather than just narrative vehicles.
Within neoliberal narratives, youth are mostly defined as a consumer market, a drain on the economy, or stand for trouble.
A lot of Broadway has that immigrant narrative of America as a place where you can become something else against all odds.
Genre might certainly increase some of your narrative freedoms, but it also diminishes others. That's the nature of genre.
Freddie Gray was a story I followed closer than others, for whatever reason, in this larger narrative of police brutality.
If you have distance from the events, then your story can work as an analogy or parable rather than its literal narrative.
A myth is a way of making sense in a senseless world. Myths are narrative patterns that give significance to our existence.
The most important thing in games isn't the designer's narrative, but the story the player creates through his experiences.
It's been unsettling to discover that every form of narrative, even one that purports to tell the truth, is a kind of lying.
No other powerful public figure in the history of American media has controlled his narrative as effectively as David Stern.
My characters - no, make that most characters - are seeking the shelter of narrative resolution, a place of quiet and grace.
We don't have a lot of narrative on TV or film, mainstream film, of brown queers. Latina queers, I can't think of that many.
My job as a film editor is to construct a dramatic narrative because otherwise it's just a chaotic arrangement of sequences.
What other species now require of us is our attention. Otherwise, we are entering a narrative of disappearing intelligences.
Music is a very physical experience, and I need to understand things physically to be able to create the narrative for them.
I think I created my own narrative, being a guy who kind of got chewed up and put through the grinder and coming out on top.
Every myth is psychologically symbolic. Its narratives and images are to be read, therefore, not literally, but as metaphors.
If we were writing what the fans wanted to see, Betty and Jughead would be the most linear, monotonous narrative of all time.
Whatever storytelling muscles you've developed as a documentary filmmaker will be extremely helpful as a narrative filmmaker.
I also like poems that are haunted by a structure or a narrative, or poems that frisk flirtatiously at the boundary of sense.
STORY, n. A narrative, commonly untrue. The truth of the stories here following has, however, not been successfully impeached.
As soon as I left Georgia, my narrative became about taking risks and the fight for creative bedroom artists with no platform.
I like absurdist aesthetics. There's something about dream logic that's really fascinating, how it interweaves with narrative.
I think there's a lot of people in their dingy boats in the middle of the ocean pining for the days of closed-ended narrative.
I like the idea of a big caesura between the narratives, a space which readers can fill in with their own speculative history.
Forget narrative, backstory, characterisation, exposition, all of that. Just make the audience want to know what happens next.
The point is that the reader's journey through our site is a narrative experience. Our job is to make the narrative satisfying.
Biologically, physiologically, we are not so different from each other; historically, as narratives - we are each of us unique.
I think the reason teenage fiction is so popular with adults is that adults hunger for narrative just as badly as teenagers do.
Music is such an integral part of a film and really drives the emotional narrative, it has to be integrated from the beginning.
I think from an early age I was aware of how a camera can tell a story, how a movie camera can affect how the narrative is told.
Sometimes the art pieces I gravitate toward speak to me in terms of narrative, at other times they speak to me in terms of mood.
Each country has its own way of communicating a narrative and, through that, expressing family experiences in emotional stories.
The most compelling narrative, expressed in sentences with which I have no chemical reaction, or an adverse one, leaves me cold.
I'm so used to being in a theater where there is always a narrative, but I'm more about the still moment, the painter inside me.
The only consistent narrative we possess is one that we share with every other life-form: we are born, we live, and then we die.
My writing has always been what you call 'narrative fiction' in the sense that it's got very strong plots and twists at the end.
I think the mix of narrative and analysis that the 'New Yorker' requires is a perfect expression of what my parents each gave me.
The continuous narrative of existence is a lie. There is no continuous narrative, there are lit-up moments, and the rest is dark.
For me, it's always about using my platform to give people an alternative narrative, because we all need to upgrade our mindsets.