Most of my films have been documentaries, but I'm also very interested in narrative filmmaking.

I knew I wanted to write about a nanny, but it was difficult for me to find a narrative rhythm.

Simply put, the Internet undermines the ability of an institution to control its own narrative.

The resilience of narrative storytelling and people's love affair with television is impressive.

I love narrative videos, but sometimes I think they can limit a listener's experience of a song.

Everything is a narrative in life. I learned that early on as a reporter at the Washington Post.

The narrative impulse is always with us; we couldn't imagine ourselves through a day without it.

Fashion is this obsessive narrative that people don't understand but they can't stop looking at.

Lots of people do stand up shows with no narrative, but I love a beginning, a middle and an end.

I don't believe that narrative works when it's trying to teach a lesson or speak a factual truth.

Memory doesn't come as a straight narrative. It comes in small moments with all this white space.

I like narrative, and I ultimately am in love with the men and women I write about, most of them.

There's a certain joy in taking a dramatic narrative and then adding that element of horror to it.

Everything is a narrative in life. I learned that early on as a reporter at the 'Washington Post.'

I want to do different projects and be versatile. I don't want to get fixed into narrative comedy.

Fiction is optimistic or unrealistic enough to demand that there should be a meaningful narrative.

It's unfortunate people can twist and turn things to fit whatever narrative they'd like it to fit.

The most effective way to defeat patriarchy is to defy and disown its self-legitimating narrative.

In both law and politics, I think the essential battle is the meta-battle of framing the narrative.

Narrative identity takes part in the story's movement, in the dialectic between order and disorder.

My kids speak of both subtle slights and blatant racism. It's a narrative I never imagined for them.

Many Christians understand the Bible to be a collection of stories without an overarching narrative.

Some graphic narrative art presses against the panel: you wrestle with it at the level of the paper.

One of the things that's important about family is the narrative history they create for themselves.

We allude to the short prose narrative, requiring from a half hour to one or two hours in its perusal

First person narrative is a very effective tool but you have to know as a writer how to make it work.

I've always hated narrative songs. I hate those songs where, basically, it's an unfolding of a story.

If you do a sketch, that's a very short narrative. Stand-up, it's bit-to-bit, minute-long narratives.

I love it when people take contemporary songs and find a narrative or a theatrical way of telling it.

When you're going with a huge dramatic disaster film, try to keep the narrative as simple as possible.

In law school they teach you that everything is a contract; well, in poetry everything is a narrative.

Historically speaking, the books I usually connect with the most are written in first-person narrative.

As human beings, we are all not conducting just one narrative but many narratives all at the same time.

An authentic and honest brand narrative is fundamental today; otherwise, you will simply be edited out.

I like to move around in the landscape between poetry and prose, between the lyrical and the narrative.

My priority is my books, at least at this point. What I have to do is write the narrative of this time.

I'm not sure any narrative model has been more important for me than Benjamin Britten's chamber operas.

The thing is about 'Vida,' we're telling a very simple family narrative. There's nothing fancy about it.

When I write, I work off of a theme, an emotion, a narrative - thinking of it and then expounding on it.

We are all at the center of our own narrative, but it's a narrative that changes every time we retell it.

Jung Chang was the first person to tell a grand historical, political story through a personal narrative.

Conservatives are either stupid or brilliant. Pick a narrative, leftist MSM. You can't have it both ways.

In reality, girls make mistakes, and it's not fair to keep presenting this narrative that they're perfect.

I used my instincts. It's very easy to imagine how you'd feel, actually. I just had to tell the narrative.

Novels demand a certain complexity of narrative and scope, so it's necessary for the characters to change.

From a narrative perspective, 'Blue Shift' for the PC and 'Blue Shift' for the Dreamcast are very similar.

I think in a larger sense, immigrant narrative is comprehensive and speaks to the core of human experience.

If you write a novel alone you sit and you weave a little narrative. And it's O.K., but it's of no account.

We all love narratives where we're the captain of our boat, and Americans love them more than anybody else.

Whenever I come across an Arabic word mired in English text, I am momentarily shocked out of the narrative.

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