The poets needed to learn to pay greater attention to character and to narrative.

Southern poets are still writing narrative poems, poems in forms, dramatic poems.

I don't subscribe to the narrative that Africa is backward because of colonialism.

Roles don't fascinate me. It is the narrative, the screenplay that is fascinating.

I think so many women allow themselves to be defined by somebody else's narrative.

There is no longer any such thing as fiction or nonfiction; there's only narrative.

I do use art as a site of protest, particularly in relation to dominant narratives.

I think it's really easy to be the altruistic hero of your own narrative and story.

If Ive vividly laid out the narrative, the reader will come to his own conclusions.

I've always wanted to be a novelist, so I just try to write really great narrative.

Nostalgia keeps dissolving the ironic narratives in which I have contained my past.

I can't be bothered with narrative. It takes too long for me to try to think of it.

We are narrative creatures, and we need narrative nourishment-nar rative catechisms.

Even a poor translator couldn't kill a style that moves with such narrative clarity.

If I've vividly laid out the narrative, the reader will come to his own conclusions.

I've always thought abstractly - through theme and variations rather than narrative.

It's so easy just to see the one-to-one narrative between presence and non-presence.

You can't outsmart or outguess the audience in terms of what the narrative answer is.

Narrative is linear, but action has breadth and depth as well as height and is solid.

I think the whole narrative of blockchain without bitcoin will amount to very little.

I love when I dive into lyrics that give me human complexity and intricate narrative.

You believe in God or statistics or the way your narrative differs from other people.

There is a narrative of 'Washington fighting' because it's interesting and it's drama.

It's really important for me to have a record which has a strong narrative feel to it.

That's what culture is based on, the passing down of a certain narrative by imitation.

Narrative art, the novel, from Murasaki to Proust, has produced great works of poetry.

The lyrics are different from Nick Cave songs and lyrics. His songs are very narrative.

It irks me when I read the narrative that 'Dwane is salty.' I can't say anything right.

I would have had the same narrative, regardless of the atmosphere and the restrictions.

Stories are different every time you tell them - they allow so many possible narratives.

That inner narrative - the desire to understand the way I am - never really switches off.

There is a stigma attached to community colleges, and we do need to change the narrative.

I think the biggest thing is voice. Whose voice is it? Who gets to control the narrative?

Political dictatorships take possession not just of money and belongings but of narrative.

No matter how stark the reality, a human being fits it into a narrative that is palatable.

I prefer to bring these to the service of story rather than to let them replace narrative.

You know, we love stories and we love narrative; we love to get lost in an author's world.

I am simply not interested, at this point, in creating narrative scenes between characters.

With 'All Is Song,' I tried to construct a very traditional narrative that pulls no tricks.

There's a reason the Exodus story has inspired so many Americans. It's a narrative of hope.

Art in the United States is a kind of visual entertainment focusing on expected narratives.

Balanchine was just able to strike the balance between literal narrative and abstract dance.

The narrative related to economics is, I think, very well understood even by the common man.

Music is the subliminal connecting adhesive in film, or at least in narrative feature films.

Movie narration in the forties was radically different than the narrative involved in books.

A digital director shouldn't be out front, but a campaign manager's job is to set a narrative.

To me, it's just that social media is allowing people to be in charge of their own narratives.

Every masculine hero narrative I could find I wanted to steal for myself and twist to my size.

Just the idea of seeing a type of narrative we've not seen before is a chance to be surprised.

I think through humor you can get a point across better than through just a dramatic narrative.

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