I will not allow mere names to make distinctions for me, but still see men in herds for all them.

Every one of the world's dictatorships can and does claim to be acting in the name of the people.

In thee thy mother dies, our household's name, My death's revenge, thy youth, and England's fame.

Some judge of authors' names, not works, and then Nor praise nor blame the writings, but the men.

Conferences at the top level are always courteous. Name-calling is left to the foreign ministers.

In real life, there are names that surprise us because they don't seem to suit the person at all.

I dont think you should give away your name and face to something you dont believe 100-percent in.

I always work with the same composer, his name is Ali Helnwein. I don't have a musical background.

The story line, the comparisons to this show and the Bible Ends after the names of the characters.

I still don't feel whatever change you're supposed to feel when your name goes up above the title.

At one point I thought changing my name might help with privacy, but that was before the Internet.

What philosophy worthy of the name has truly been able to avoid the link between poem and theorem?

I have let things slip, a thirty-year~old cargo boat Stubbornly hanging on to my name and address.

The roll of honor consists of the names of meant who have squared their conduct by ideals of duty.

Obviously [Black] Sabbath is definitely a huge name and of course deserving with Ozzy coming back.

I never liked the name Eldred. Since nobody knew me in New York, I just changed to my middle name.

[There has been] every kind of cruelty practiced upon all sorts of people in the name of religion.

Hahnji, mister, you must be patient. Before you can name that corner, our future must become past.

God hath made it a debt which one saint owes to another to carry their names to a throne of grace.

My name is Marc, my emotional life is sensitive and my purse is empty, but they say I have talent.

I can’t name the poison that’s killing your friend. But the one that’s killing you is called hope.

Prayer is repeating the victor's name (Jesus) into the ears of Satan and insisting on his retreat.

I don't really put my name to anything that I don't love and believe in, because there's no point.

You've rarely got an artist that's not being chauffeured into the business by some huge-ass names.

In the beginning, when the world was new and nothing had a name, my father took me to see the ice.

Oh, breathe not his name! let it sleep in the shade, Where cold and unhonour'd his relics are laid

I do get a little pissed at people who write me and want me to do things, and spell my name wrong.

My life has changed financially and I have a name, but I try to never forget people on my journey.

What, in the name of common-sense, had I to do with any better society than I had always lived in?

When it is useful to them, men can believe a theory of which they know nothing more than its name.

This evening, while signing my name on a painting, I was thinking I might stop signing my cheques.

...there isn't often anything in Wagner opera that one would call by such a violent name as acting.

I have my ship, and all her flags are a-flying. She is all that I have left, and music is her name.

In the name of God, impure souls of the living dead shall be banished into eternal damnation. Amen.

My dad named me Dakota and my mom came up with my first name Hannah. So it's Hannah Dakota Fanning.

One forgets words as one forgets names. One's vocabulary needs constant fertilizing or it will die.

Little cute thing said, what's yo' name? I put my necklace in her face and told her read the chain.

All my life, my heart has sought a thing I cannot name. Remembered line from a long- forgotten poem

Someday I'll design a typeface without a K in it, and then let's see the bastards misspell my name.

Burn the Louvre, and wipe your ass with the Mona Lisa. This way at least, God would know our names.

One of the cardinal sins in our country is profanity -- the taking of the name of the Lord in vain.

We wanted a name that people would remember and get pissed off about. Nothing too deep, believe me.

Craftsmanship names an enduring, basic human impulse, the desire to do a job well for its own sake.

A name doesn't make the music. It's just called that to differentiate it from other types of music.

The love of God is not generic. God looks with love upon every man and woman, calling them by name.

Satriani's Law: There's at least a 30% chance that someone will print the name Satriani incorrectly

Let him who walks in the dark, who has no light, trust in the name of the Lord and rely on his God.

If you have to pay the bills, and you write something you're not proud of, use a pen-name for that.

I would rather spend my entire life doing nothing than have my name attached to something mediocre.

Calm and silent and steady work, and no newspaper humbug, no name-making, you must always remember.

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