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I do consider how I spend my time off carefully because I've got two kids.
I spend half my time just living my life, and the other half analyzing it.
I've learnt a lot about construction and flexibility from my time at Geox.
I do not read advertisements. I would spend all of my time wanting things.
The Greater Man upstairs know when it's my time. Right now isn't the time.
I spend all my time right now trying to combat music retail and copyright.
I still spend my time feeling sorry for myself and making serious mistakes.
I have done my time living on the run. I'm British and I want to come home.
1985 - That was my time in New York, and I have such poetic, fond memories.
I've seen a lot of seasons, change in my time. It's been a very lucky life.
I've actually enjoyed my time in L.A. more than a New Yorker is supposed to.
A lot of legends, a lot of people, have come before me. But this is my time.
Growing up in Florida was really amazing. I spent most my time at the beach.
I realized during my time as a chaplain that I didn't want to be a minister.
I never thought anyone would pity me because of my time in the Marine Corps.
I spend most of my time in London but I come back to Ireland whenever I can.
I have really enjoyed my time at Ferrari, not just because of the successes.
Deciding what gets my time is very simple: I ask, What am I passionate about?
If I spent all my time fearing the things I should, I'd never stop screaming.
I don't have alot of people to talk to. Not alot of people are worth my time.
A lot of my time is spent reading antique or out-of-print books of reference.
I enjoy making music and take my time to do everything until it is 'perfect.'
I never eat at home. Dinner is my time to be social and catch up with people.
I love what I do. If I had my time over again, I'd probably do it for nothing.
I'd rather spend my time looking at the sky than listening to Whitney Houston.
People thought I was wasting my time and the company's money, for that matter.
I figure this is my time - to relax, be with my family and have a normal life.
I split my time between Santa Barbara and Aspen. I live on a pretty fast horse.
I like taking my time and seeing the things around me and appreciating the now.
I have realised that my time has come and gone. I'm not bitter, just a realist.
In 2017, I enjoyed my time on the Internet more than doing things in real life.
All I know is politics. Really, politics takes up most of my time; it's nonstop.
I dedicate all my time to music. And I'm glad that it's paying off in some ways.
I had to learn to take my time in MMA, and I was just able to keep a clear head.
I typically wake up at 5:30, and that's my time. I read newspapers, have coffee.
I can't afford to spend my time with anyone - there's only enough left for myself
Every time I return here, I always have fond memories of my time with Fiorentina.
I can't even see me wasting my time or my talent to disrespect another black man.
I always have said that the most valuable thing I have isn't money; it's my time.
I look at my time on this earth as social anthropology, at home and in work life.
I guess I hadn't counted on 'The Unblackening' happening to my time slot as well.
I want to spend my time between the creation of ideas and the creation of things.
I've done my time. I've done it as well and as respectfully as I think anyone can.
I've played with some very famous bandits in my time on the celebrity golf circuit.
I proved for a long time how much I've given of my heart and of my time to the UFC.
I could actually be wasting my time by not meditating, as I'd be more stressed out.
I have always had great respect for those who served. In my time, we had the draft.
If my time with my kids is shorter than it was yesterday, it's better than nothing.
I'm not shy or reclusive. I just spend my time with people rather than journalists.
I'm happiest when I'm working. If I'm not working, I feel like I'm wasting my time.