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I can only do something that my sister or my daughter, if I have one, could watch and feel positive about.
I get in fights with my sister all the time. She comes on the road with me and we fight - like sisters do.
My sister is 4 years older than me and I've always looked up to her, she was the girl I always wanted to be.
I didn't experience the negative side of [Adolf] Hitler. My sister [Eva Braun] did, that's a big distinction.
My Sister Rosa was bumped from the schedule. None of my books has ever been bumped before. It freaked me out.
I'm very proud of my sisters and everything they've accomplished and done. I'm very proud of where I came from.
In the end, though, I did not kill my sister. She did it all on her own. Or at least this is what I tell myself.
Oh, there was a wedding all right. Did I mention that my sister didn't show up at the church either, Mr. Clayborne?
Goofy was the word that was used most often by my sisters because I've been this tall ever since I was 12 years old.
I have been to the world's end and back and now I know what I would put in my bottom drawer .I would put my sisters.
My mom took my sister and me to see Elvis [Presley] in concert when was, maybe 5 or 6, and I liked everything about it.
In my own family, my mother had my sister when I was 15 and for various reasons, I was extremely involved in raising her.
I really idolize everything my sisters do,so I went into singing contests and won also. That's how I really got into singing.
My nana was an actress, my mom was an actress, and my sister, too. So because I was surrounded by it, it really came naturally.
I was on Facebook. I'm not anymore, but my sister always sends pictures to a page. I'm sure you can find a Bradley Cooper there.
In our family, we don't have rifts. We have a jolly good row and then it's all over. And I've only twice ever had a row with my sister.
My mum used to always dress me and my sister in matching Laura Ashley dresses. And I'd be like, 'Mum, I just wanna wear my Doc Martens!
My sister is a chiropractor and she says I have an unusually flexible lower back, but I don't do yoga, and I don't feel like I'm very bendy.
My sister was the one who told me where babies come from. My sister was also the one who laughed when I immediately asked her where babies go to.
I'm not the easiest person to live with. I'm kind of a slob. So for me to consider a roommate, it would have to be one of my sisters or something.
My sister and I are both diagnosed with second-hand smoke syndromes. We have never smoked, but we grew up with second-hand smoke our entire lives.
There are absolutely no problems between me, my dad and my sister. Obviously I grew up with just my mum, but my relationship with my dad is just fine.
Some of them are okay, but the popular girls like to pick on my sister, and almost all the guys are gross. I don't know why guys are like that. Do you?
I do feel like I've missed out a bit because I was really close with my sisters when I was at home. It must be weird for them but they cope really well.
I still visit my village quite often, as my parents and one of my sisters live there, but also I feel the village is more of an isolated, unreal part of me.
I hated going to school, mainly because my sister would drive me and she would put her make-up on while she drove. That's dangerous. That should be illegal.
My sister died and my mum was really distant, as you do - you don't expect your offspring to die before you. I thought I was bulletproof up until that stage.
My sister and I both benefited hugely from the great security that our parents had given us, and then we went off and squandered it all rushing around in showbiz.
I was a show-off as a kid and loved to dress up. I was constantly in costume, drawing mustaches on with eyeliner and letting my sister plait my hair and all that.
I told him, though, that he better be good to you. When you came along, I said I'd share you, but I told him to remember that you're my sister. I loved you first.
Talent seduces us into interpretation. My sister could draw wonderfully, but she would never have hit upon the idea of becoming a painter. I never had that extreme talent.
How did you do that?” Mr. Poe asked. “Nice girls shouldn’t know how to do such things.” “My sister is a nice girl,” Klaus said, “and she knows how to do all sorts of things.
My sister and I may have been crafted of the same genetic clay, baked in the same uterine kiln, but we were disparate species, doomed never to love each other except blindly.
If I'm walking down the street and someone stops me and says, "Oh! A song that you wrote meant a lot to me, and I listened to it after I went to my sister's funeral," that's when it hits me.
My sister and I do to what we love to do and do what we want to do, so that sort of started us off having a sense of 'Do this because you love it' not 'Do this because you want to be famous.'
Were you hugging Clary?" He looked at Sebastian in amazement. Sebastian shrugged. "She's my sister. I'm pleased to see her." "You don't hug people," Jace said. "I ran out of time to bake a casserole.
When I was growing up I always wanted to be a waitress. My sister opened a restaurant in Mississippi, and I went down there and was a waitress for a few days. Let me tell you, I got it out of my system.
My experience with My Sister Rosa showed me, once again, that I have a much easier time of it if I sell my novels after I finish them, not before. I'm lucky that I'm in a position where I'm able to do that.
And then I went to visit my sister in the states and all of a sudden it was just like, it's like... it's like the movie Wizard of Oz when all of a sudden it changes from Black and White to glorious Technicolor.
My sister is a very peculiar lady. When we were young, I wasn't allowed to talk to her friends. Now I'm not allowed to talk to her children, nor are they permitted to see me. This is the nature of the lady. Doesn't bother me at all.
I remember, once, my sister used to tell me that they found me in the trash-can when I was younger, so one time I pushed my sister into a trash-can - I put it over her head and pushed her down the street. And then after that, we been close ever since.
My sister's the type who religiously watches the fear segments of her local Eyewitness News broadcasts, retaining nothing but the headline...Everything is dangerous all of the time, and if it's not yet been pulled off the shelves, then it's certainly under investigation -- so there.
When my sister decided that she wanted to act, I was so nervous for her. She's doing great, but I have a lot of friends at every level of success as an actor, and we all go through periods of time where they feel like their worth isn't within their own control. That's a horrible feeling for an adult to have.
I always took a great interest in my clothes. My sister, who was 13 months older, and I always dressed alike, but as I got a little bit older, I didn't like that because I wanted to dress differently. So our mother would put Patty in blue and Polly in pink, or we would wear complementary colors, but the shapes we were wearing were always the same, and I was very interested in that. I also took great interest in my dolls and their clothes.