This is why I read novels: so I can escape my own unrelenting monologue.

I am my own man. I governed as a conservative, and I govern effectively.

What I do with my life is of my own doing. I live it the best way I can.

I knew that I had to find my own voice, both figuratively and literally.

I have my own language and it's high time I put a little of it out there.

I have to find a place for my own. I have to search for my own happiness.

As much as theyll let me I do my own stunts and I do all my own fighting.

But I always had the ability to say no. That's how I called my own shots.

I started studying mythology, just on my own. Joseph Campbell, mysticism.

I thought, if I went into business I'd be able to control my own destiny.

I'm an ardent fan. All I really had to do was put myself in my own shoes.

I generally follow my own compass and make films about what's scaring me.

I don't like being on my own. I'm happy meeting people and collaborating.

I'm in the process of trying to find something that I could do on my own.

I am facing the most difficult thing of my life, my own greatest failure.

I don't like to toot my own horn, but 'toot-toot.' I'm a lyricist f'real.

I don't compete with other discus throwers. I compete with my own history.

I can go further and faster with someone coaching me than I can on my own.

And my problem was that I always tried to go in everyone's way but my own.

I do it all, man. I produce, I do my own wardrobe and my own ironing, too!

For my own part I am more interested in my work than its mere money value.

My dad wouldn't buy me tight pants. I had to get my own money to buy them.

My own journey started long before I left, and was over before I returned.

Until I created my own shows, I had nothing but bad experiences on staffs.

I've been allowed to develop my own character, which I'm still working on.

I've always been very aware of my own humanity. The limits of my humanity.

I plan on doing a lot more work on my own, and discovering and doing more.

I would have 55 dogs if I could. I'm hoping one day to open my own shelter.

Nothing I ever wrote had a message. It was just my own personal experience.

I've accomplished more working on my own than I ever did as part of a team.

The Six Million Dollar Man was one thing, but I wanted to keep my own parts.

I'll always stand by my Gypsy roots, and I'll always help out one of my own.

If I listened to your advice, I'd be making your mistakes instead of my own.

What is your idea of earthly happiness? To be vindicated in my own lifetime.

Maybe 'loner' is too strong a word, but I've always enjoyed being on my own.

I do my own make-up a lot of the time, and I'm very involved in what I wear.

I stayed on my own path and did not follow the herd. I made a way for myself.

I try to make choices for my own life. And I try to make those choices count.

In Guinea I could read [Franz] Kafka. I re-discover in him my own discomfort.

Whatever muscles I have are the product of my own hard work and nothing else.

I do feel like I'm at ease in my own skin when I find an androgynous balance.

I want to own my own business because then I can be in control of everything.

In silence - and in self-defense - I figured things out in my own little way.

History releases me from my own experience and jogs my fictional imagination.

Yet not with all of me am I in love. Too much of my own quietness is with me.

I am conscious of my own limitations. That consciousness is my only strength.

I channel a lot of my own personal relationships anytime I prep for something.

That's a big goal of mine, to try and grow as much of my own food as possible.

Having been through the muck and mire, I've had my own brush with bad choices.

I would rather earn 1% off a 100 people's efforts than 100% of my own efforts.

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