I never knew if I would get my own show, but I knew I loved stand-up.

I never dreamed that in my lifetime my own genome would be sequenced.

I really have learned to trust myself in business and in my own life.

I was my own woman. The next step was to find the proper sort of man.

I tend to place my own value in spirituality rather than religiosity.

I always went my own road and on my own legs where I had a mind to go

I've always been very comfortable in my own body even when I'm naked.

I don't like to watch my own movies - I fall asleep in my own movies.

First thought, best thought. I live by that when I make my own music.

My life has been awaiting you. Your footfall was my own heart's beat.

I needed to carve out my own place and find out what I was going to do

I have an idea of who I want to be, I have a vision of my own success.

People say I have my own Cinderella story, and in a way, I guess I do.

What shall I do to be for ever known, And make the age to come my own?

My own eyes are not enough for me; I will see through those of others.

Nobody can dare me to do anything that I don't come up with on my own.

I'm competitive with myself. I always try to push past my own borders.

The music itself could never take the place of my own passion in life.

I used to sell furniture for a living. The trouble was, it was my own.

I was an unhappy child, and that puts me off having a child of my own.

I pride myself on being unique in my own right. I wanted to be myself.

I do not speak the minds of others except to speak my own mind better.

I'm mostly influenced by life, what's around me, and my own childhood.

I always write about my own experiences, whether I've had them or not.

I don't ever want to have kids of my own. But I do want a lot of kids.

I don't like playing standards. I like to do my own cutting edge work.

I was brought up Irish, where there was room for my own private world.

[When asked how many husbands she had had:] My own, or other people's?

I'm intolerant often, especially of incompetence, particularly my own.

I never hurt nobody but myself and that's nobody's business but my own.

Since very early in my career, I have always did my own stunt fighting.

I'm so Southern that I'm related to myself. I'm actually my own cousin.

I learned to fly an airplane, and had my own airplane during the 1960s.

I don't have the support inside Washington or even inside my own party.

If I want to put my tits on my back, it's nobody's business but my own.

I always did think that when I turned 40, I'd start coming into my own.

I am interested only in the unknown and I work for my own astonishment.

My children have no prejudices at all. My own brother-in-law is Jewish!

I enjoy adapting my own work, or anybody's work. I like to adapt books.

I actually enjoy being on my own, because it allows me to do what I do.

I can say this much with confidence - that I now have a sound of my own

I am an undisputed gangster. To me, that means playing by my own rules.

I don't even own my own name on the internet - somebody else bought it.

Searching nature I taste self but at one tankard, that of my own being.

When it came to my art, I went my own way and did not follow the trends.

I've made all my money on my own without my family and I work very hard.

Abstinence works, I know it from my own personal life, abstinence works.

Everybody is just a stranger, but that's the danger in going my own way.

I'm comfortable in my own skin, no matter how far it's stretched. Ha ha.

I absolutely love Las Vegas. I've been there a bunch of times on my own.

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