My generation was born to work with social media - it's a natural part of our communication with the world.

My generation was maybe the last in which you could set up shop as a writer and hope to make a living at it.

The problem is that my generation was pacified into believing that racism existed only in our history books.

The trimmings of wealth are not as important to me and my generation as they were to my parents' generation.

I was one of the early guys from my generation to have hair on his face. Me and Tom Selleck, and I was first.

And my generation in Brazil was influenced by Cinema Novo. So we're echoing what's been done way in the past.

The greatest discovery of my generation is that man can alter his life simply by altering his attitude of mind.

So many people of my generation who served in the government were prisoners of the Cold War culture, still are.

For a man of my generation, our century has been a long intellectual and political struggle in favor of freedom.

When I was in high school, in my generation, I thought that you got a logical, sensible job, or you got married.

I, like many members of my generation, was concerned with segregation and the repeated violation of civil rights.

The previous generation paved the way for my generation to gallop unheeded into jobs previously reserved for men.

There is an almost universal experience in physicists, at least of my generation, which is home-made pyrotechnics.

Appropriation was the language of my generation in many ways. It came out of Duchamp, Warhol, Johns, Lichtenstein.

I think singing traditional country is wonderful, because I'm bringing it to my generation and to the younger kids.

I've always said that musicians are the comics of my generations and comedians are the politicians of my generation.

If I could work with Eddie Murphy on 'SNL,' I think I could quit comedy forever. For me and my generation, he's God.

The past is always recycled. I'm just taking what the people I looked up to did and translating it for my generation.

I love his music because he was my generation. But then again, Elvis is everyone's generation, and he always will be.

There's a kind of immediacy that comes with being constantly connected that I don't really relate to in my generation.

My father's generation of Saudi men are more liberal than the men of my generation. But with women, it's the opposite.

My generation of director has no illusions that we are going to be fed and cared for by subsidized theater in America.

The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.

Like many science fiction lovers of my generation, I discovered Andre Norton on the shelves at the junior high's library.

I'm in the public eye, so I have a responsibility as an actress to my generation. I think that's what acting's all about.

Among my generation, there was a purist position that any contact with electoral politics was an unforgiveable compromise.

I think our generation, my generation at least, has become much more comfortable with unconventional romantic relationships.

Oh yes, my generation liked to be in some pain when they read. The harder it was, the more good we believed it was doing us.

My generation produced some terrific writers from all over, and the great thing about it is that they were all mixed in race.

I feel like, with most filmmakers of my generation, I like the over-the-top stuff. I like to be wacky and really in your face.

I was no different to any other kid of my generation. I played with my mates in the park every day, every spare minute I could.

My generation is so tied up in television, computers, and video games. When we were born, MTV was already there. It was normal.

I experienced Nazism as a child. Like many of my generation, I was motivated by the desire to prevent another war at any price.

The difference between my generation of actors and their generation is that they were bigger than life. We are not bigger than life.

My last series was on A.B.C., a one-hour called 'My Generation'. Critics liked it. I was on for two weeks, and that was a tough one.

In my generation, history was taught in terms of grand figures, men on whom the destiny of the nation hinged, quintessential heroes.

Kids have always play-fought, but I think my generation had a particularly privileged cultural fantasy surrounding military violence.

Girls slightly younger tended to be Donny Osmond girls or Michael Jackson girls, but for my generation, it tended to be David Cassidy.

So many people's parents separate and for my generation it is very normal. But I remember feeling as though nobody ever spoke about it.

My generation has to deal with how to overcome a trauma, how to overcome destruction, and how to tell the truth to the next generation.

My generation of Americans was the first to really care about racism and sexism, not to mention the I Ching, plus, of course, the Earth.

I think Bill Finn's one of the geniuses of theatre, and James Lapine's one of the diamonds of my generation. The two together are a joy!

I look at other members of my generation who have basically done one thing, and one thing well, and have been handsomely rewarded for it.

A Romney-Ryan administration will protect and strengthen Medicare, for my Mom's generation, for my generation, and for my kids and yours.

Most of the good people of my generation... had offers to become editors, but the thought of going inside was just absolutely horrifying.

For children of my generation, anime was an escape from Japan's loser complex following World War II. Anime wasn't foreign. It was our own.

I was born in 1988, one year before the fall of the Berlin Wall, and people of my generation were taught that utopian dreams are dangerous.

Everybody wants to act like I ain't a big deal when I am. I'm one of the most successful, relevant and influential rappers of my generation.

A lot of people from my generation of music are so focused on playing things correctly or to perfection that they're stuck in that safe place.

The Gen X generation never got past 'Reality Bites,' apparently, and my generation, the Gen Yers... Facebook? Maybe a conservative revolution?

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