My favorite film is Gene Tierney and Tyrone Power in The Razor's Edge.

Guy Kay is probably my favorite and the writer I most want to emulate.

Dave Herman as Michael Bolton is one of my favorite performances ever.

He was my favorite senator... I love him. He made the liberals squeal.

Some of my favorite places I have been in my life exist only in dreams.

My favorite fighter is Phil Baroni, and I’m pretty sure it’s yours too.

One of my favorite books [The Stand] of all time. I grew up reading it.

This is my favorite book in all the world, though I have never read it.

[Jodie Foster] is one of my favorite actors and people in the business.

I like dark humor. My favorite movie of all time is 'Harold and Maude.'

My favorite characters are the ones that are the most successful movies.

Elvis Presley was the first and the best. He is my favorite of all time.

I think “Batman Begins” is certainly my favorite Batman movie I’ve seen.

One of my favorite Japanese proverbs is "Fall down 7 times, stand up 8".

My favorite actresses are Cameron Diaz, Julia Roberts and Julie Andrews.

And of course coming from Massachusetts, Rocky Marciano was my favorite.

My favorite Muppet? Uh... Kermi -- no, Animal. Animal is my favorite now.

Strats are my favorite electric guitars, and I've got quite a collection.

My favorite judge is Simon! He's so real with ya - Even when I don't like

My family is large and in charge! Thats my favorite way to describe them.

Jay-Z's my favorite rapper, but why can't I aspire to be better than him?

I think my favorite sound is the sound of someone not playing the bongos.

My favorite type of music to sing is a crossover between country and pop.

I don't have one movie that is my favorite, I have about 25-30 favorites.

My favorite actresses were Geraldine Paige, Anne Bancroft and Kim Stanley.

My favorite charity is the Womens Refugee Commission and the Nomi network.

My favorite favorites are people like Bunuel, Fellini and Charlie Chaplin.

Well my favorite is really really sharp, extra sharp, aged cheddar cheese.

Cukor is one of my favorite directors. He was a master at directing women.

My favorite thing is to have a big dinner with friends and talk about life.

Early Bluegrass is my favorite kind of music, not to many people know that.

Steve Martin is one of my favorite performers, writers, artists of all time.

My favorite band was The Band, and nobody compares in my mind with The Band.

My favorite way to blow off steam is to sing obnoxiously loud in the shower.

I loved 'Junebug.' It was one of my favorite films, my favorite type of film.

My favorite topping is one that a lot of people don't like. I love anchovies.

I really just love reading. It's my favorite thing, performing my poems live.

My favorite comedy is comedy where nothing is achieved and there is no point.

I have my favorite cat, who is my paperweight, on my desk while I am writing.

My favorite artists have always been Elvis and The Beatles and they still are!

My favorite song depends on the day, what I’m going through, what I’m feeling.

I love gentiles. In fact, on of my favorite activities is Protestant spotting.

I don't cook, so my favorite dish to prepare is something on the takeout menu.

I like to sleep. I like to do nothing. Nothing is my favorite kind of something.

My favorite show from the '60s was 'Combat.' And maybe 'The Man From U.N.C.L.E.'

I spend most of my evenings grinding into the early morning to my favorite music.

Oh, the Places You'll Go!,' by Dr. Seuss, is still one of my favorite books ever.

I'm a huge candy fan. My favorite growing up was always Sour Belts or Sour Straws.

There’s a bunch of different crunches that affect the abs … my favorite is Nestle.

I'm attracted to things that scare me, like 'Psycho,' my favorite Hitchcock movie.

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