I had a mustache for 10 years.

No wife, no horse, no mustache

I had a mustache when I was 13.

I look stupid without a mustache.

I married the reigning mustache champion.

A good mustache makes a man for many reasons.

I had beautiful wavy hair and a waxed mustache.

A man without a mustache is a man without a soul.

Sometimes a milk mustache is just a milk mustache.

I should never, ever try and grow a mustache again.

Believe me, I've taken a lot of heat for my mustache.

She had much in common with Hitler, only no mustache.

A kiss without a mustache is like an egg without salt.

They told me I gave the best milk mustache of anybody.

Drew a mustache on your picture, threw your ring away.

I was the class clown when I was a little young mustache.

I can't grow a mustache. It's pretty sad if I attempt to.

I stuck with a mustache because... do you know Magnum P.I.?

I think there is nothing sexier than a handlebar moustache.

I want to see Brian Williams with no irony wearing a mustache.

I do know that you'll definitely never see me sporting a mustache.

If you have a friend with a blond mustache, he wants to touch you.

Nature played a cruel trick on her by giving her a waxed mustache.

Whenever I'm sad I just imagine if babies were born with mustaches.

I may not be Hispanic, but I'm close. I'm Catholic with a mustache[]

The Brawny man is a prime example of a guy with a cool-looking mustache.

I'm not shaving for a month so you all can see my mustache... I'm pumped!

My mustache has become this weird iconic representation of a certain era.

There's a man outside with a big black mustache. - Tell him I've got one.

I had hair down to my shoulders, a beard and mustache. I was crude and rude.

Mother Teresa had a mustache. Hitler had a mustache. Mother Teresa is Hitler.

The Yankees have strict rules. You can have a mustache but no other facial hair.

Our first job is to go out there and fight - not to do backflips or have a mustache.

You offer a sincere compliment on a great mustache and suddenly she's not your friend.

I am not beautiful, so I don't know why I'm making myself ugly. But the mustache stays.

I've grown this mustache which saves me from having to glue on one every day in the heat.

This Italian restaurant I'm at is authentic! When they seat you, they give you a mustache.

Most people presume my mustache is not real because it's much darker than my regular hair.

Do I look stupid?" snarled Uncle Vernon, a bit of fried egg dangling from his bushy mustache.

I will say, as a woman, when you put a mustache on, you find out a lot of things about yourself.

When the jelly faced women all sneeze, hear the one with the mustache say I can't find my knees.

I like to put on a wig or a fake mustache and do something silly with friends, do a little dance.

There are some women out there who are just going to look better with a mustache: that's statistics.

My wit is sharper then the finest mustache, and when I walk among men I make truths ring like spurs.

I didn't want to wear a checked shirt and grow a mustache - that's what you had to do, and everyone did.

I couldn't wait to grow a mustache. I stopped shaving my upper lip the day I graduated from high school.

Eddie Drake is sort of this loose cannon, funny, edgy guy, who has this really foolish, foolish mustache.

It was like a bad movie except he didn’t actually twirl his mustache.” -Jace to Maryse about Valentine, pg.122-

First, Donald Trump took out like this little make up compact like right here, because he had a sweat mustache.

In wrestling, my mustache made me look more like a villain. A good mustache can give you the look of the devil.

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