You're a musician, it is important that you suffer!

Monogamous musicians are like vegan hockey players.

I'd love to do something where I played a musician.

Being an American musician means being adventurous.

If I wasn't a musician, I would be a serial killer.

To a musician or songwriter, your canvas is silence.

I've been a musician longer than I've been an actor.

I've been a musician longer than I've been an actor.

I'm not a musician making words to go with my music.

People want to build musicians into mythical beings.

When I want 30 musicians in the orchestra, I get 30.

I never thought a career as a musician was possible.

I just hope I'm remembered as a good blues musician.

Metaphysicians are musicians without musical ability.

I am a Slavic musician and it is deeply inside of me.

I am an untrained musician and a common man's singer.

I don't try to make 15 musicians sound like two each.

I'm not a singer. I'm a musician, which is different.

No matter what you do, you'll never run away from you.

An explorer of the universe is sexier than a musician.

I'm a failed musician rather than a successful writer.

I'd be a chef if I wasn't a musician, that's for sure.

Being a musician is what I do, but it's not what I am.

You don't decide you're hip. It just happens that way.

A great musician is just a thief who doesn't get caught

Texas is a hotbed of insanely good bands and musicians.

I've made a life and career as a professional musician.

On Eye of the Zombie, I had so-called studio musicians.

I think musicians should stay off television generally.

I have always wanted to become a musician and a singer.

A musician cannot move others unless he, too, is moved.

Being a musician is a job - it is just a really fun one!

There's more to being a musician than just making music.

I went to public school, and it shaped me as a musician.

Christina Aguilera is an incredible musician and singer.

I'm a Christian, but I'm just an artist. I'm a musician.

For a musician, music is the best way to unite with God.

If you're a musician and an artist, you don't just stop.

I don't claim to be a musician, I didn't go to Julliard.

I've been around jazz and jazz musicians most of my life.

Always as a musician you must have one thing you do well.

Virtually every writer I know would rather be a musician.

Vintage is my vocabulary... like the notes of a musician.

If it weren't for the Beatles, I would not be a musician.

The true musician is to bring light into people's hearts.

If I wasn't a musician I'd probably be like a meth addict.

Love, the supreme musician, is always playing in our souls

Scott Asheton was a brilliant drummer, a natural musician.

The sign of a mature musician is knowing what not to play.

I wanted to do this so badly, to be a successful musician.

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