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In the music business, if you're not a fighter, you will get walked all over.
I think the music business is as crass and as unrewarding as it has ever been.
Our goal is to continue to be a global consolidator of the live music business.
Money had never been the main thing for me. It's the legacy that was important.
The music business inspires designers, and designers inspire the music business.
Education is extremely important, especially in my business, the music business.
You've gotta be business savvy really, or else you get the piss taken out of you.
I don't get bored. In the music business you get used to a lot of waiting around.
I like the country, the peace and quiet, because the music business is so hectic.
The music business is motivated by money. Music is motivated by energy and feelings.
I think the reason I got into the music business was basically for the live aspect of it.
If you think the music business is the be-all and end-all of life, you're in big trouble.
It will be only a matter of time before the music business establishment completely folds.
I always knew, that in some way, I'd be connected to, and involved in, the music business.
The music business, or what`s left of it, is obviously a very - it`s like a wild west now.
There's a lot to live up to when three of your parents are successful in the music business.
My number one goal is to take over the music business and run a really great record company.
If you had ever heard my album you would know that I could never consider the music business!
Commitments are one of the worst things to have in the music business. They're very annoying.
I think it's a reflection of the music business in general, which to me seems very fragmented.
Punishing people for listening to music is exactly the wrong way to protect the music business.
The music business used to carry a certain amount of brotherly love, but it isn't that way now.
Who would want to break into [the music business]? It's like a bank that's already been robbed.
You can't ever really replace Jon Anderson because he's been such a force in the music business.
The landscape of the music business has changed and I definitely have to take advantage of that.
There's nothing that can prepare you for fame and for the music business at any point in history.
I'm just trying to survive and stay relevant! That's all anyone in the music business can ask for.
Independent artists and labels have always been the trend setters in music and the music business.
My mom nor my father never pushed me into the music business. I always did it because I wanted to.
Technology has opened up the music business 100-fold and provided space for all kinds of new faces.
Things can turn ugly so quickly in the music business, especially if you have an unexpected success.
By 1969, when I celebrated 45 years in the music business, I also had 45 people in our musical family.
I have known from the beginning one thing you need to know. That is, the music business is a business.
I'm not sure a lot of us in the music business or in rock 'n' roll are given credit for irony or humor.
I have very much enjoyed being in the music business in different roles through five different decades.
People in the music business say don't make too many records because they'll compete against one another.
My advice to anyone wanting to get into the music business, is always be ready to learn and remain humble.
My lifelong friend and mentor Frank Barsalona is gone. And the music business as we knew it went with him.
Music has always been an important thing to me in my life and understand I've worked in the music business.
Yeah, man I am going to be writing a book soon. The reality of being in a rock band in the music business'.
The music business doesn't take up that much of my time. I probably should put a little more energy into it.
But the music business is no more about truth on the outside of the Christian ghetto than it is on the inside.
The film business, for me, has been great, but the music business, we've always been on the outside looking in.
I'm not saying I wasn't flawed or amateurish. But you can never say I did anything to appease the music business.
I had a deal with CNN and had no intention of going back to the music business, but you know, it's Lynyrd Skynyrd.
When you are a journalist in the music business, as I was, you end up dying or going to the gym - I chose the gym.
The only way to get ahead in the music business these days is to call up all your friends. To pool your resources.
I came from the music business, which reputedly has the biggest egos, but I really think the airline world caps it.
I had no idea that I could sustain a career as an artist. But, I loved music and wanted to be in the music business.
I've always felt like the Forrest Gump of the music business. I've been fortunate to work with a lot of great people.