Life science research can be done on multiple platforms. Since we have a very small number of people flying into space, the more people you have, the better.

There are multiple levels of 'we' and multiple groups that can constitute this idea of who we are. We need to be aware of who we are including and excluding.

The characters that populate my books are global nomads in their own right, keeping multiple homes around the world and constantly jet-setting to new places.

They say that structure is freedom, and in a sense it is. When you're dealing with multiple constraints, you have to figure out what you can get out of that.

A 12-hour shift is physically exhausting. You give multiple shots, wearing heavy jewellry and make-up - and end up with dark circles, acne, and skin problems.

I suspect that most playgoers don't understand how inexact a science literary translation is. Even the simplest of lines may lend itself to multiple renderings.

I am a not exactly a gadget freak and have the regular phones. But I keep multiple phones because if there's a network issue in one, then I can use another one.

It was a very hard decision to let people know about the multiple sclerosis because we're in an industry where illness is not something that show business likes.

The fun is getting to wear multiple disguises and getting to explore multiple personalities and bring them to life. So a movie career definitely affords me that.

A turntable is the classic DJ's weapon for playing vinyl, but the mixer is the device that actually allows you to blend multiple tracks together to create a mix.

I wish I could make multiple records, stylistically. The way that I'm gonna remedy that is to make a diverse record with a lot of different styles on one record.

Get in the habit of vetting your research as you go - particularly research conducted online. Verify facts from multiple reputable sources before you record them.

Quail Hollow is always going to be a special spot for me, and winning there gave me a little more credibility. But I want to be a multiple winner on the PGA Tour.

Basically when you're a writer and have a mind like mine, my mind has gone platinum multiple times, and I have got a heart of gold; my heart's in the right place.

It's so hard to write about countries like Haiti because there's truths behind the misperceptions people have. But there's so much more. There are multiple truths.

I'm able to guard multiple positions, switch and pick and rolls, guard from two to four and be able to help my defence out and rebound the basketball, block shots.

Actually, multiple playthroughs and deleting save files are things that other games have done, so I don't see myself as a forerunner of those elements in the game.

If we did end tomorrow, I would be so stoked and proud of everything I've done and how I lived my life. I feel like I've had enough experiences for multiple lives.

The post-war American newsroom resembled a vast factory churning out multiple editions through the night. Reporters spent days, sometimes weeks, on a single story.

The Benghazi attack was one of the more confusing, chaotic days that we had at work because you had these multiple violent protests taking place in the Middle East.

I think that every enduring story that has expressions over multiple periods, that role of being the keeper of the integrity of the vision is a very important role.

Being in the cloud made it easy for great content to run multiple instances. When someone makes a great experience, 30,000 people can play with it at the same time.

I think, most definitely, my style has been changing throughout the years, and that's because of the injuries that I've had, the multiple surgeries on my left knee.

The best thing as a director is being able to be part of the thing that's so cool about a TV show, like running a character arc over six episodes or multiple series.

I've been put in multiple boxes as blogging and as an influencer and not really perceived as a businesswoman, and that's something that I've really had to grow into.

We need to acknowledge that families come in multiple shapes and sizes, that love is not a finite asset, and that caregiving involves more than a genetic imperative.

When one woman found out I had multiple sclerosis, she said to me, 'My heart bleeds for you.' I said to her, 'Well, my heart bleeds for you, because you're an idiot.'

I'm for mechanical art. When I took up silk screening, it was to more fully exploit the preconceived image through the commercial techniques of multiple reproduction.

The world asks us to be quickly readable, but the thing about human beings is that we are more than one thing. We are multiple selves. We are massively contradictory.

Each and every one of us has multiple identities, and this is a fact that should be celebrated. I for example, am a queer black woman who grew up poor in Los Angeles.

Thinking is my hobby. But sometimes you get to where you're stuck and you can't figure it out, so you just go work on another project. I always have multiple projects.

'The New Jedi Order' was a pure publishing project: a single massive story - virtually one huge novel spread across multiple volumes - told by a succession of authors.

Any charity that aids or supports trying to find a cure for cancer is very close to my heart. My mom had cancer multiple times, so it's something that I can relate to.

We look for the sermon in the suicide, for the social or moral lesson in the murder of five. We interpret what we see, select the most workable of the multiple choices.

It was a pleasure working with Q Entertainment. I don't focus on working with one company but rather with multiple companies, and I look forward to working with others.

'The Duino Elegies' are notoriously cryptic, and part of the reason why I have always loved them is because they invite multiple readings over the course of a lifetime.

I think 'The Thing' is so good because it's not just a scary movie. It's also social commentary, which works on multiple levels, which is something I really respond to.

We have multiple businesses, and obviously we want every one to stand on its own, and what you don't want to do is manage one business from the profit of the other one.

Black, white, Chinese, it don't matter - I've been told by multiple people that I'm very inspiring to them, and it makes them want to achieve whatever they can achieve.

If you look at the developed world, people have multiple devices now. And a phone works with a watch, with a car, with a tablet, with a number of other type of devices.

By, say, 2025-2030, I expect that there will be multiple jurisdictions that allow the tokenization of virtually any scarce resource, all the way down to personal tokens.

You can't help it as a human being when you're put under so much scrutiny by multiple people, not even just one person in real life, telling you something. It harms you.

Inflammation is the cornerstone of Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis - all of the neurodegenerative diseases are really predicated on inflammation.

I would love to expose multiple younger generations to Frank's music. It's not an easy task because It's not ever going to be plastered all over the radio for the masses.

Before moving onto the next thing, make sure you continue to nurture the first thing. Get a good team around you because it's difficult to do multiple things on your own.

I don't really like living in a very small space, like a tour bus, even though I have an amazing tour bus, and I've had multiple tour buses. It's still not a lot of room.

When it comes to our collective health, how we deal with the multiple crises and problems around us also depends on the power of context - in other words, our resilience.

I try not to look at my schedule for the week because I'll get so overwhelmed. Every day, there are multiple things to be done and 10 things I don't end up accomplishing.

Once I started working with older people, I realized how much I enjoyed the intellectual challenge of taking care of patients who have multiple, complex medical problems.

I have had such a unique experience in the game. I got to experience the best of my craft, and I did that multiple times. There is nothing more I wish I could experience.

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