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Today will never happen again. Don't waste it with a false start or no start at all.
Who can't relate to the idea of leaving one chapter behind and moving on to the next?
Man maintains his balance, poise, and sense of security only as he is moving forward.
Because I remember, I despair. Because I remember, I have the duty to reject despair.
If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude.
I postpone death by living, by suffering, by error, by risking, by giving, by losing.
Not knowing a thing is not ignorance. Feigning knowledge you don't have can be--Sholto
We go forward with our heads held high, but look back and remember where we come from.
I don't want to lose you, but I don't want to use you just to have someone by my side.
By forgetting the past and by throwing myself into other interests, I forget to worry.
I must be careful not to get trapped in the past. That's why I tend to forget my songs.
Anything I wrote before the age of 17 is probably worth putting a pin in and moving on.
Those who don't know how to weep with their whole heart, don't know how to laugh either.
Every day is a new day, and you'll never be able to find happiness if you don't move on.
Courage isn't having the strength to go on - it is going on when you don't have strength.
You quit, you lose. You keep going, you may still lose. But, your ambition will never die.
You can love someone so much...But you can never love people as much as you can miss them.
When your own mind tells you to quit, you must ignore your negative thoughts and press on.
It is foolish to tear one's hair in grief, as though sorrow would be made less by baldness.
We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.
It's an unwritten rule - girl friends' boyfriends are off limits, even after they break up.
Healing takes courage, and we all have courage, even if we have to dig a little to find it.
Tears shed for self are tears of weakness, but tears shed for others are a sign of strength.
One must always maintain one's connection to the past and yet ceaselessly pull away from it.
The only conquests that are permanent and leave no regrets are our conquests over ourselves.
The act of laughing releases some nice chemical into your brain, you feel good and it's free.
Our state's strategy on methamphetamine, and any other issue, is going to be a moving target.
Much of your pain is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self.
Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves - regret for the past and fear of the future.
I began writing a book on love because I felt that the United States is moving away from love.
I'm moving on in years, but I tell you I still want to kick the devil before I kick the bucket.
Transformation in the world happens when people are healed and start investing in other people.
There is no point at which you can say, "Well, I'm successful now. I might as well take a nap."
Self-pity is our worst enemy and if we yield to it, we can never do anything wise in this world.
Our national security is at risk when we rely on foreign oil to keep our economy moving forward.
Often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.
Once I slow down because I think I have reached my peak, then my skills will go nowhere but down
The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.
The future depends entirely on what each of us does every day; a movement is only people moving.
In the process of letting go you will lose many things from the past, but you will find yourself.
You gotta know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away, know when to run.
So long as the memory of certain beloved friends lives in my heart, I shall say that life is good.
Any time I'm in a moving thing, like an airplane, I'm usually asleep before we even get on our way.
If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they're yours; if they don't they never were.
See every difficulty as a challenge, a stepping stone, and never be defeated by anything or anyone.
You've got to make a conscious choice every day to shed the old - whatever "the old" means for you.
Laughter gives us distance. It allows us to step back from an event, deal with it and then move on.
We are not a failure just because we fail at something. Nobody is a failure unless they quit trying!
Part of growing up is just taking what you learn from that and moving on and not taking it to heart.
If you don't hurry up and let life know what you want, life will damned soon show you what you'll get.