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When I moved to Atlanta, I felt like an outsider - away from my friends and family except for the LGBTQ community.
The few have not strength to achieve great changes unaided; the many have not wisdom to be moved by truth unmixed.
Those most moved to tears by every word of a preacher are generally weak and a rascal when the feelings evaporate.
A fossil is so powerful. It's moving. This is my ancestor. The naturalist is moved by the fossil... not the cross.
I wouldn't tell anyone to study werewolves - I studied wolves, how they moved, their tendencies and sensibilities.
When I was nine years old, my family lost our home, and the six of us moved into my grandparents' converted garage.
I moved to Oklahoma to learn English when I was 16 years old from Colombia for six months; then I moved to New York.
I was born in Vancouver, then went to high school and college in Seattle. Then I moved to Los Angeles after college.
I knew I wanted to act, and I was really driven, so I kept going for it. We moved to L.A. full-time when I was 8 or 9.
If you've experienced having control, you don't want to be moved to a subordinate position, if you have your druthers.
This is going to sound terrible, but once I moved to New York, I never did a civilian job. I was extraordinarily lucky.
Well, I moved around quite a lot so I was born in Yorkshire and then I moved to Blackpool, which is like North England.
When I was nine, I was passing by a drum class and saw them playing and I was moved. That's why I started making music.
We moved to Wales when I was quite young, but we frequently visited the rest of my family, especially my mother's side.
Was life like that? You could look ahead to the future or back to the past, but the present moved too quickly to absorb.
There is something magical about being able to feel somebody. And that is something that has always moved me with music.
When I was in high school I moved from the big city to a tiny village of 500 people in Vermont. It was like The Waltons!
When I moved to Chelsea, it was a big, big challenge and experience for me at the time to play with so many good players.
'The Asylum Dance' was written after I'd moved back to Scotland and was a response to moving to my old home area of Fife.
I've been tremendously moved by a bunch of odd books. Ross McDonald is very important to me. I love the Lew Archer books.
We moved to America when I was young, but we were always very Welsh in our home. The humor, food, traditions. Very Welsh.
We moved to Gambia from Sweden when I was six years old because my dad was from there. It was definitely a culture shock.
I spent my first five years in Canberra then moved to Sydney, where I moved around the Hills District until the age of 18.
Both my parents are Italian. My mom was born and raised in Italy. My dad was born in Canada, but then they moved to Italy.
I was born in Belgium, but we moved to Kilburn when I was one, so 'Time Out' has always been in the background of my life.
As someone who has moved around a fair amount, I wondered what it would be like to stay rooted to one place, one community.
Nigeria has moved into low-middle-income, but their north is very poor, and the health care systems there have broken down.
The gifts given to us by God must not be relinquished to those who speak ill of them and who are moved by envy or ignorance.
I just moved to Atlanta so the change of scenery and environment put me in a different mood and a different vibe, both good.
In the spring of 1993, I married Beverly and moved to the woods. This is something I could never have imagined myself doing.
I grew up on games like Madden and NBA Jam, then moved on to NFL 2K on Dreamcast. The game I really loved was Virtua Tennis.
'Africa shall be saved.' I heard God's message so clearly. In response, my family moved from Lesotho to South Africa in 1974.
Because of her singing they all went away feeling moved, feeling comforted, feeling, perhaps, the slightest tremors of faith.
I moved to London when I was 18 to develop my acting career, but I still love going home to Ireland to recharge my batteries.
No matter how brilliantly an idea is stated, we will not really be moved unless we have already half thought of it ourselves.
Remember how small the world was before I came along? I brought it all to life: I moved the whole world onto a 20-foot screen.
I moved from Minnesota to Las Vegas when I was 13, so I spent my high school years there and did some things I'm not proud of.
At 13, Stade Rennais came to sign me, and the whole family moved to Rennes. I wanted my family to follow me and be by my side.
When I got cut from the National Football League, I had nowhere to go. I moved in with my parents until I got on my feet again.
I cannot tell you how many people, powerful people, come to my studio and they are in tears they are so moved by what they see.
When I was young, I was very shy and quiet, because we moved all the time. My dad was in the Navy, so we moved every two years.
When the Beatles came to America and took me off the map, I thought I would return the favor, and I moved the family to England!
My childhood best friend moved to Kenya when we were still young, and since I missed her so much, I always hoped to visit Kenya.
I used to make snap judgments, moved quickly. It's more important to be thoughtful, think of the consequences of your decisions.
It was character that got us out of bed, commitment that moved us into action, and discipline that enabled us to follow through.
People say that I'm a boxer. I actually started with kick boxing, and then I moved onto boxing, and then I moved onto grappling.
We moved wordlessly from one room to another, from the room of the dead to the room where time lay in pages everywhere I looked.
I moved to New York in '92 and got my graduate degree in acting from NYU - they have a great acting program. I graduated in '95.
When I first moved to London, there was talk of a folk revival, with annoying names like nu-folk that made me feel slightly ill.
The man that hath no music in himself, Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, is fit for treasons, stratagems and spoils.