Beware of the anger of the mouth. Master your words. Let them serve truth.

We feed upon each other's mouths and minds like ants with social stomachs.

Word of mouth works now, much more than ever. @-reply every single person.

There is no better taste than this: someone else’s laughter in your mouth.

There would not be so many open mouths if there were not so many open ears.

Screw poetry, it’s you I want, your taste, rain on you, mouth on your skin.

Bring me liquor, Bones, fast, to take my foot out of my mouth. Cat to Bones

The trouble with words is that you never know whose mouths they've been in.

You can convey a lot of emotion with just some eyebrows and mouth movement.

Learning consists of ideas, and not of the noise that is made by the mouth.

Moonlight making crosses on your body, and me putting my mouth on every one.

I won't take my religion from any man who never works except with his mouth.

I think my mouth just opens and I spontaneously say things that occur to me.

Even as the words came out of my mouth, my heart was dying a million deaths.

Even four harnessed horses cannot bring imprudent words back into the mouth.

Find the shortest, simplest way between the earth, the hands, and the mouth.

It is a common saying, and in everybody's mouth, that life is but a sojourn.

I think we all feel like misfits when we open our mouth sometimes, you know?

Unless I'm running and yelling, then you really see how crooked my mouth is!

All night, my face next to your mouth, I hold my breath, listening to yours.

I am barren of words. For no sounds from my mouth are worthy of your hearing

Mary's mouth cost her nothing for she never opens it but at others' expense.

The cells are thus the stomachs of which the plant has millions like mouths.

I am a little bit of a foul mouth and I just like to give it back to people.

A politician is a statesman who approaches every question with an open mouth.

When I don't know what to do, I just open my mouth. Why won't anyone date me?

You keep runnin that mouth and I'm goin to take you back there and screw you.

I spit honey out of my mouth: nothing is second-best after the sweet of Eros.

In the street, your mouth's a beak, big like a bird, and your future's bleak.

Like all books that have that kind of momentum, it starts from word of mouth.

Lips are no part of the head, only made for a double-leaf door for the mouth.

The trouble with words is that you never know whose mouths they have been in.

Do good even to the wicked; it is as well to shut a dog's mouth with a crumb.

Closed mouths don't get fed, and I'm gonna eat every time I get on the court.

What is a vow... but the mouth repeating what the heart has already promised?

You got off on the wrong foot. I merely watched you shove it into your mouth.

Your day usually follows the direction of the corners of your mouth. So SMILE.

Sometimes you just can't hear yourself. Maybe ears are too close to the mouth.

I do have a mouth - I will say. I speak up when I see things I don't care for.

I had the taste of blood and chocolate in my mouth, one as hated as the other.

You were perfect.” Cam dipped his mouth to mine. “Only because I was with you.

I actually get a metallic taste in my mouth when I think about electric music.

Some women can't say the word lesbian... even when their mouth is full of one.

What is in the well of the heart will come up through the bucket of the mouth.

But however happy you are feeling, you can't talk with your mouth full of snow.

Spend as much time as you can with your mouth shut and your eyes and ears open.

No, honestly, my mouth shouldn't be able to function unless my brain's engaged.

If I kept my mouth shut, because I can make millions, that isn't doing nothing.

God's mouth knows not how to speak falsehood, but he brings to pass every word.

When you got your hand in the lion's mouth, don't do nothin' til you get it out.

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