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When you have bacon in your mouth, it doesn't matter who's president.
Chocolate just may be the healthiest thing you can put in your mouth.
Let us keep our mouths shut and our pens dry until we know the facts.
The ability to keep your mouth shut is usually a sign of intelligence
Grace puts its hand on the boasting mouth, and shuts it once for all.
You can never put too much pork in your mouth as far as I'm concerned.
We speak with more than our mouths. We listen with more than our ears.
Sometimes, very occasionally, you do your best boxing with your mouth.
The white May blossom swooned slowly into the open mouth of the grave.
Tyler's words coming out of my mouth. I used to be such a nice person.
I prefer a kiss that is so much more than just a tongue in your mouth.
He looked like he'd just seen the Ghost of You Better Shut Your Mouth.
Nothing is more pleasing to God than an open hand, and a closed mouth.
My eyes aren't special, my nose isn't special, my mouth isn't special.
It's like I have a loaded gun in my mouth and I like the taste of metal
When mouths close, it’s because there’s something important to be said.
Revenge, the sweetest morsel to the mouth that ever was cooked in hell.
Some men are like ballads, that are in everyone's mouth a little while.
You'll regret opening your mouth. You'll rarely regret keeping it shut.
The best way to reveal a character is to get them to open their mouths.
with your name on my mouth and a kiss that never broke away from yours.
If a fool keeps his mouth shut, there will be no difference of opinion.
Eternity shall be at once a great eye-opener and a great mouth-shutter.
A successful person allows his results to speak for him, not his mouth.
The mob shouts with one big mouth and eats with a thousand little ones.
I pop a beautiful sentence into my mouth and suck it like a fruit drop.
There's something darn funny about an old librarian with a potty mouth.
He who once burns his mouth on the hot soup, blows even the buttermilk.
With my mask, I controlled all of the mouth movements with my own mouth.
A true smile is when the mouth and the heart coordinate with each other.
I have a really big mouth, I have a lot of opinions and I will be heard.
I knew that with a mouth like mine, I just hadda be a star or something.
I had such a big mouth for so long that it doesn't faze anybody anymore.
The public's appetite for famous people is a mouth as big as a mountain.
Sometimes your parents are the ones with the biggest mouths of all time.
We may eat dinner together, but everyone puts the food in his own mouth.
Rest you fair, good signior; Your worship was the last man in our mouths.
There's imperfect food out there that just needs a mouth to bite into it.
As much as I try, when I open my mouth, Lena comes out, And I get so mad.
I voted Republican this year; the Democrats left a bad taste in my mouth.
If you have nothing to say for yourself then kindly keep your mouth shut!
I’ll always deny that I kissed her. I was just whispering into her mouth.
If you want a midget to look like a baby, don’t put a cigar in his mouth.
Your mouth is the best thing that ever happened to my mouth. -Zane Cutter
I have the thermometer in my mouth and I am listening to it all the time.
I wasnt born with a golden spoon in my mouth. It was a really tough life.
I shoot my big mouth off; it just pops up! I have to learn to edit myself.
I am fiercely loyal to those willing to put their money where my mouth is.
Don't you have a machine that puts food into the mouth and pushes it down?
Slogans can be worse than swords if they are only put in the right mouths.