My mom said the only reason men are alive is for lawn care and vehicle maintenance.

Neurotics build castles in the air, psychotics live in them. My mother cleans them.

... my mother adorned with flowers whatever shabby house we were forced to live in.

For a bookworm like Mother, a Brontë novel sister was better than a biological one.

Don't you ever get tired of asking questions?' 'Never. They're mother's milk to me.

There are few things more powerful than the faithful prayers of a righteous mother.

She never quite leaves her children at home, even when she doesn't take them along.

I guess I define myself as a mother, a wife, kind of a nutty person. A good person.

He is a poor son whose sonship does not make him desire to serve all men's mothers.

Children and mothers never truly part--Bound in the beating of each other's hearts.

[Wishing her mother had named her Beulah:] At least you did not sit on your beulah.

You make sacrifices to become a mother, but you really find yourself and your soul.

the Lord gives good many things twice over; but he don't give ye a mother but once.

[On not reading newspapers:] If something important happens, your mother calls you.

Don't be silly. I'm a mature, intelligent woman. Of course I'm afraid of my mother.

Yet while my Hector still survives, I see My father, mother, brethren, all in thee.

My mom told me, 'don't grow up too quickly; once you're an adult, you're an adult.'

My father was a history professor, and my mother a housewife—" She married a house?

The only place you're sure to find love is at the end of a letter from your mother.

Be not familiar with the idea of wrong, for sin in fancy mothers many an ugly fact.

I have no problems with private schools. I graduated from one and so did my mother.

I know our kids will be OK, as long as they listen more to their mother than to me!

I don't consider myself Jewish. I am half-Jewish by race but not through my mother.

On my mother's side I'm Polish-Jewish, and on my father's side I'm Scottish puffin.

My mother cared more about how you reasoned than about the conclusions you reached.

The teacher, whether mother, priest, or schoolmaster, is the real maker of history.

A lot has been said about single mothers. Most of it has been less than flattering.

Enthusiasm is the mother of effort, and without it nothing great was ever achieved.

I woke up when I was 14 and went to speak to my mother and scared us both to death.

I see a boy with his mother's ambition, performing for love, trained in submission.

My daughter is a preschooler but I have only known her for a while. She is adopted.

No daughter is ever her mother's darling. That spot is always reserved for the son.

Writing about the 1950s has given me tremendous respect for my mother's generation.

To me when a mother puts food in a microwave for her children, it is an act of hate

I'm always around my mother and sisters. I always wanted to be a father, a husband.

One race there is of men, one of gods, but from one mother we both draw our breath.

How we dwelt in two worlds the daughters and the mothers in the kingdom of the sons.

I know my father and my mother, but beyond that I cannot go. My ancestry is blurred.

The baby's life is never willfully destroyed because the mother's life is in danger.

A bride who is bullied by her mother-in-law will herself become a bad mother-in-law.

Niobe would have been called most blessed of mothers, had she not seemed so herself.

O Laziness, mother of the arts and noble virtues, be thou the balm of human anguish.

I'm in charge of raising a young woman one day, to be a mother and hopefully a wife.

A lot of mothers will do anything for their children, except let them be themselves.

she’s not as pretty as you,” I said “But she’s a simpler girl,” my mother whispered.

My mother would kill me if I posed nude! My mother raised me with certain standards.

The free press is the mother of all our liberties and of our progress under liberty.

My mother had a son from previous marriage and her husband died in Second World War.

Be black or white with no shades of gray. In other words, don't be a nagging mother.

It's the job that I take most seriously in my life and I think it's the hardest job.

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