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Monkeys who very sensibly refrain from speech, lest they should be set to earn their livings.
The brown monkey's instinct to kill is correct; such men are dangerous to all monkey customs.
Are cats strange animals or do they so resemble us that we find them curious as we do monkeys?
There are quite a few actors in the business who are much more difficult than kids or monkeys.
Moreover, I wish to assure you both that I did not make any amorous advances on female monkeys.
The smaller the monkey the more it looks like it would kill you at the first given opportunity.
I've done the performing monkey stuff and massive breakdowns, it's just they weren't documented.
They gave 12 monkeys a typewriter for a week, and after a week, they only used it as a bathroom.
Millions and millions of exuberant monkeys are creating an endless digital forest of mediocrity.
Don't stop doing what you love. Don't let your future be ruined by a bunch of loony sand monkeys.
One dies only if he's not anymore in the hearts and minds of those who know him. - Monkey D. Luffy
The French - cheese-eating surrender monkeys. The Germans - schnitzel snarfing stormtrooper spawn.
Once I finished, I got that procrastination monkey off my back! And I started seeing doors opening.
The poor monkey, quietly seated on the ground, seemed to be in sore trouble at this display of anger.
I'm such a dude. I'm just like, 'All right, I have to get up in my monkey suit.' I'd rather be in jeans.
If an army of monkeys were strumming on typewriters, they might write all the books in the British Museum.
Too much free time is certainly a monkey's paw in disguise. Most people can't handle a structureless life.
f you could cross a lion and a monkey, that's what I'd be, because monkeys are funny and lions are strong.
I listen to 50 Cent, Jay-Z, Stereophonics, Arctic Monkeys; also the musical Oliver - I can sing every tune.
It does get old to have to always be a monkey in a zoo. I don't know what it's like any more to be anonymous.
A monkey glances up and sees a banana, and that's as far as he looks. A visionary looks up and sees the moon.
What I am interested in with birds, just as I am with spiders or monkeys, is what they do and why they do it.
Only animals have to satisfy instincts! Surely your aims are somewhat higher than theirs! Than monkeys! Pigs!
Life could not be entirely devoted to debauchery and monkeys. Magnus had to finance all the drinking somehow.
I don't think we came from monkeys. I think that's ridiculous. I haven't seen a half-monkey, half-person yet.
Like pregnant women lose their teeth feeding the stranger, junkies lose their yellow fangs feeding the monkey.
Why get rid of Chamberlain to put in Halifax? It's like getting rid of the organ-grinder to put in the monkey.
I'm a barrel of monkeys, kid, though mostly I figure monkeys stuck in a barrel are just going to be pissed off.
I grew a love for helpless, defenseless things. People would give me lions and jaguars. I had cheetahs, monkeys.
I am not nearly so interested in what monkey man was derived from as I am in what kind of monkey he is to become.
What is Man? Man is a noisome bacillus whom Our Heavenly Father created because he was disappointed in the monkey.
What we must do is start viewing every cow, pig, chicken, monkey, rabbit, mouse, and pigeon as our family members.
I really like the Caribbean. Anyplace in the Caribbean. I get there, and I feel like a monkey - the perfect state.
It is more comfortable to feel that we are a slight improvement on a monkey than such a fallin' off from the angels.
God likes a little humor, as is evidence by the fact that he made the monkeys, the parrot -- and some of you people.
Barry, you're over thirty years old. You owe it to your mum and dad not to sing in a group called Sonic Death Monkey.
Keep your sense of humor. As General Joe Stillwell said, 'The higher a monkey climbs, the more you see of his behind'.
Distraction is the main problem for us all - what the Buddha called the monkey mind. We need to tame this monkey mind.
Today's ballroom dances like the swim, the frug, the chicken and the monkey are really nervous disorders set to music.
Southerners ask intimate questions in the way monkeys groom each other for lice, not to pry but to make you feel cared for.
If you run into a monkey in some idiot context, automatically you've got a very real problem taking place in the photograph.
Claiming my right to follow whethersoever science should lead... it is as respectable to be modified monkey as modified dirt.
Arctic Monkeys are actually one of my favourite bands going, which is really weird cos I went to school and college with them.
Charles Darwin got totally hammered, woke up next to a monkey and decided he had to come up with a theory to make it all okay.
An ant can't make a revolution, but a monkey can do; because it owns a fist! No real revolution is ever possible without fist.
I've actually gone to the zoo and had monkeys shout to me from their cages, "I'm in here when you're walking around like that?"
The surest way to make a monkey of a man is to quote him. That remark in itself wouldn't make any sense if quoted as it stands.
Artists are not your art monkeys. They are your collaborators. They should be given all due consideration to follow their journey.
I see a clear breach of ahimsa even in driving away monkeys; the breach would be proportionately greater if they have to be killed.
Frank's audience doesn't care if a girl singer, a comic or an organ grinder with a monkey opens the show. They are there to see HIM.