I'm Jewish when it comes to money.

Money is for making things happen.

There's no money in documentaries.

I have always been afraid of banks.

A great fortune is a great slavery.

It is money makes the mare to trot.

He who is greedy is always in want.

Yes! Ready money is Aladdin's lamp.

Wealth flows from energy and ideas.

Neither a borrower nor a lender be.

He who knows he has enough is rich.

You must spend money to make money.

Mother always said you were greedy.

It's never been about making money.

Money is the best rule of commerce.

The world needs ditch diggers, too.

Friendship and money: oil and water.

Medicine: "Your money and your life!

A nickel ain't worth a dime anymore.

Get money first; virtue comes after.

If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.

Who covets more is evermore a slave.

I think everything depends on money.

I would rather lose money than trust

You breathe better when you're rich.

I made my money by selling too soon.

A budget takes the fun out of money.

Money should be used to help others.

I'm not greedy. I just want my half.

But few prize honour more than money.

Money always ends up making you blue.

Poverty breeds lack of self-reliance.

Money is just a way of keeping score.

Canvas. J.C. Penney. $3.98. You like?

There is no such thing as a good tax.

Money is life to us wretched mortals.

Money talks — but credit has an echo.

Make ducks and drakes with shillings.

Money is a needful and precious thing

A fool and his money are soon parted.

Debt has become a part of who we are.

Money has never yet made anyone rich.

The sinews of war are infinite money.

A fool and his money are soon married.

Sooner or later, we sell out for money

A fool and her money are soon courted.

A fool and his money are soon elected.

People first, then money, then things.

Lack of money is the root of all evil.

There's no such thing as a free lunch.

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