I think one of the political problems we have in this country is the perspective that all soccer moms think alike, all African-Americans think alike.

My heart and prayers go out to all single moms because it's tough, and I can't imagine any teenager dealing with a baby and all those hormones raging.

I hope all the kids out there who don't like listening to their mothers, who yell and scream at them, that moms are always right just so you guys know.

My moms always told me, 'How long you gonna play the victim?' I can say I'm mad and I hate everything, but nothing really changes until I change myself.

I think there should be better child support laws to make it easier for those single moms to support their children so they don't have to go on welfare.

As far as children out there that hate their moms and dads, just get over it, because you get one dad and one mom. You know, suck it up. Learn something.

'Workin' Moms,' obviously, is about mothers who also work. But we're also expected to remain graceful when we return to work, and that's just impossible.

My mom always taught me - you know, little boys listen to their moms too much - that whatever you put into something is what you're going to get out of it.

I can see how the young girls really get hurt when their moms are critical, or vice versa when they're overly critical of their moms. It can be so painful.

Most families need both parents to work. Moms need to be able to work and earn fair pay and have the flexibility in their jobs to also be primary caretakers.

I think with boys... it's all about shoes. I've seen so many little boys, and their outfits are so cute, and then their moms put kind of dorky shoes on them.

It's always interesting to talk to people's moms or sisters or wives. It gives you a different perspective of somebody that everybody already thinks they knew.

The best part about playing a mom is that people hug moms. I get hugs all the time. It really makes hard days a lot easier, and easy days are downright joyous.

I think there's a lot of moms who just aren't feeling protected. And that's one of the prime purposes of the federal government, is the security of our nation.

I was a camp counselor for kids whose moms were on welfare, unfortunately, and right across the camp was the best, most pristine and preppy camp in the universe.

I gots to make the dough to support myself and my disabled moms. God bless her soul. I live to bleed for that woman. I want to go as far as my power will take me.

In the U.S, Zika outbreaks are hopefully going to be easy to isolate. The biggest threat is likely to be from the fear Zika sows, especially among expectant moms.

I think the whole 'tiger mom' thing is a very common trope. People like to show Asian moms giving pressure, but they don't really show the love that comes with it.

Yes, there have been women in comedy. Moms Mabley was one of the earliest. She was an African American comedian; she often dressed up as an older, disheveled woman.

I see a lot of moms and dads frustrated because their kids have their devices at the dinner table and they can't seem to get their attention as much as they used to.

The most challenging roles were Disney's 'A Christmas Carol' and 'Mars Needs Moms' because they were both motion capture, so there was a lot of physical work involved.

My dream was to play football for the Oakland Raiders. But my mother thought I would get hurt playing football, so she chose baseball for me. I guess moms do know best.

I don't usually say 'working mom' because I think all moms are working moms. I feel like that diminishes moms. People should say 'working dad' as opposed to working moms.

I love football, but I also want to give back. I want to take care of kids and single moms, so it's not only about playing football. I want my life to matter in that way.

I loved doing 'Bad Moms.' I loved doing 'We're the Millers.' But now that I've tasted complexity, it doesn't matter what the genre is - it would be really hard to go back.

Of the many horrors of divorce, the most egregious is that it robs a kid of the best of both worlds. Dads can do many things that even the best moms can't, and vice versa.

I've done a lot of work in my life and have begun to let go of that need to be perfect, and I loved that my character in 'Moms' Night Out' was going through the same thing.

I feel so privileged as a mom to be part of a significant organization like the March of Dimes that works hard to prevent prematurity and helps moms to have healthy babies.

Pretty isn't the only thing that matters - being smart and kind matters more, of course - but all daughters should hear from their moms that they look pretty once in a while.

People look down on teen moms and young mothers when they are the most gracious and significant women on this Earth. They sacrifice their freedom and their lives to give life.

I think a lot of moms get really scared that if they have a nanny that somehow the child is going to love them less and attach more to the nanny. But, I haven't had that fear.

I have been lucky to be surrounded by other great working moms, like Tina Fey. I've certainly taken a lot of advice from her in every realm, from actor choices to mom choices.

A lot of moms give their kids line reads. My mom wasn't put in that position because I always had an acting teacher helping with the feelings rather than how to say something.

I used to have this illusion that time and remote areas prepare you for the world. Our moms used to think that kind of thing. Well, it doesn't prepare you for the world at all!

Working moms elevate themselves above stay-at-home moms, and stay-at-home moms try to put down working moms. It's a war in which both sides are trying to put the other one down.

One of the things I have learned is some of the most judgmental people have been other moms, and there have also been a ton of moms who have been very supportive and encouraging.

Moms Mabley blazed a path for female stand-ups in a housecoat and floppy hat. Phyllis Diller worked equally hard to make herself unattractive to men and non-threatening to women.

I hope this will help new moms not feel alone or desperate, and that there is no shame in their feelings. PPD is out of their control, but the treatment and healing process is not.

What keeps me up at night is worrying about the moms who depend on ACA for all of the preventive care and not to mention prenatal care, the wellness visits, and the cost of delivery.

I believe that connecting with other moms is so important; after all, we are all on this crazy journey together and no one understands what we're going through better than each other.

People are really connecting to my birthmark. I'm getting lots of messages from moms saying that their child has a birthmark on their face and it's a huge boost of confidence to them.

When people stop me to say they love 'Workin' Moms,' it's not just that the show makes them laugh or is a great escape - they tell me my, or another, character's story is their story.

Society, they look down on teenage moms and dads, but I think those people are just jealous because they'll never know what it's like to be raised by someone who's still being raised.

I think I'll be one of those moms that doesn't raise her kids with too much technology around because I didn't have much of that growing up. I was creative and played with what I had.

The mom guilt is really something that not many moms talk about. You leave your house for an hour and you feel guilty about it. That's something I wasn't aware of before I was pregnant.

I'm hosting weekend retreats all over America. It is like a 24-hour slumber party for moms. We laugh, eat, play games, get massages, win prizes, talk about parenting and even cry a bit.

A lot of time, mothers put their kids first, their selves aside, and then there's some moms who are like, 'Look, I'm going to try and balance it all out and still have my personal life.'

I feel like it's my duty to keep it real for my community of moms out there for both my own peace of mind and the fact that some of you may be going through or have experienced what I am!

Millennials are always on their phones and it's running their lives, but you know who is also on their phones? Moms and Dads and also some dogs... everyone is on their phone all the time.

From Abby Lee Miller's intensity and her students' incredible performances to their devoted moms and its high drama, 'Dance Moms' has become one of the most compelling shows on television.

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