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I wish new moms wouldn't be burdened with the pressure to get back into pre-baby shape so quickly.
I have a quick shout out to all the moms... I know it's hard, but try to love your body after baby.
I love the fact that Facebook offers equal leave for moms and dads. Consider that for your company.
I want to be one of those moms and women that when I look back, I know that I always stayed focused.
As moms, we have so much on our plates. We're busy, and our family depends on us for a lot of things.
Women work as much as men now, if not more. There's a resurgence of dads in the home and moms working.
My outlook was, 'You're not my moms; you can't tell me what to do.' I got expelled from about 20 schools.
Moms don't just sit there cooking everyday and aren't always there to greet their kids at the school bus.
Working moms, and increasingly working dads, don't want a government handout, but they do need a hand up.
Moms are always looking for content that's clean and fun - and that you don't mind watching over and over.
I give and give, and sometimes I can't find me. I'm sure many moms and wives go down that same rabbit hole.
I am thankful for moms who try their best, give their all and bless their children with something priceless.
We moms are beautiful both with and without makeup, but I always love classic colors I can mix with anything.
The people who suffer in the Obama economy have been young people, African Americans, Hispanics, single moms.
When I did start writing books, I didn't realize it, but the girls that grew up watching the show became moms.
I've had soccer moms come up and tell me they can relate when I say that I want to throw my baby in the trash.
I love those hockey moms. You know what they say the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull is? Lipstick.
Moms and daughters can negotiate over anything, and they can go on longer than it took to settle the Vietnam War.
Apart from sharing my tips on toys or snacks, I'm open to hearing new ideas from other moms. I want to learn, too.
I don't want to be known as just a 'Dance Moms' competitor. I'd really like to be known for all of Sia's work, too.
I'm just one of many moms who will say an extra prayer each night for our sons and daughters going into harm's way.
Moms, take it from me: do not buy your baby too many shoes when they're so tiny, because their feet grow every week.
My advice to moms that have to go to work is to just be easy on yourself and know that you're doing the best you can.
People don't realize how many of the homeless are single moms, and a lot of veterans, and people with mental illness.
These days, it's often women in uniform - moms, wives, even grandmothers - who deploy and leave their families behind.
I think that any moms that leave, even for the day at work, and come home every night will tell you that it's not easy.
There are so many single moms and dads out there, and we are all just trying to pick up the pieces together. It's hard.
Liberal soccer moms are precisely as likely to receive anthrax in the mail as to develop a capacity for linear thinking.
Me having my moms and pops in my life and knowing and seeing what they went through for us - it's why I'm a good father.
It's unfair to the hard-core stay-at-home moms to pretend you're able to have an amazing body by chasing around your kids.
People label themselves husbands, wives, moms, sisters, and friends before they label themselves Democrats or Republicans.
When moms and dads put their kids in acting class, good luck. Because you're just filling them with stuff they don't need yet.
My constituents include CU Buffs, ski bums, techies, artists, suburban soccer moms, and proud, hard-working Colorado families.
I love engaging in conversation with other moms because we can relate to one another, and we swap valuable insight and information.
Teachers are expected to be teachers, psychiatrists, nurses, sociologists, psychologists, surrogate moms or dads, as the case may be.
I used to tell moms that for the sake of their well-being they had to put themselves first. But I know now that's not always possible.
I think it's good for moms to work. I have three daughters, so I like them to see me working and doing something I'm passionate about.
The face of the eviction epidemic is moms and kids, especially poor moms from predominantly Latino and African American neighborhoods.
I'm lucky enough to be stopped on the street for two things, usually: for 'It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia,' and for 'Workin' Moms.'
Let's teach our girls and boys how to show the same respect to their colleagues in the workplace they show their moms and sisters at home.
I always feel guilty when I want to go get my nails done or hair done because it takes time away, but I know moms need that alone time, too.
I think I'm a lot like other moms out there who feel like if we don't have the pecan pie we have every year, then it just won't be Christmas.
We should be encouraging moms to breastfeed their infants, not discouraging it by unfairly judging and discriminating against nursing mothers.
The biggest lesson I've learned throughout the first season of 'Workin' Moms' is that you have to give yourself permission to forgive yourself.
Moms, you should parent in whatever way works for your family and spend less time worrying about other people's perceptions of how you're doing.
I gained, I think, 65 pounds when I was pregnant. And I will say to moms out there, 'Don't stress about losing it. It will happen when it happens.'
Hope is the greatest thing for moms of autism. Hope is what gets us out of bed in the morning. I'm on a mission to tell parents that there is a way.
I've been playing sexually aware women most of my life. At this point I expected to be playing moms and wives. It's exciting to play a femme fatale.
I'm not one of those Hollywood moms where my kid is three weeks old and I'm a size zero. I'm a real woman and I'm a working woman and a working mom.
Literally, 'Dance Moms' was so amazing, and I have the world to thank for that. They were so awesome - the set, the cast, the crew - it was amazing.