A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions.

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions.

I love Modest Mouse.

I'm very, very modest.

I'm a very modest person.

I'm much too modest a person.

I had a very modest upbringing.

A modest woman has good children.

Modest humility is beauty's crown.

Be merciful, moderate, and modest.

A modest man never talks of himself.

The blushing beauties of a modest maid.

On their own merits modest men are dumb.

It well becomes a young man to be modest.

Writing is an undertaking for the modest.

Be modest in speech, but excel in action.

Reality is modest, it won't be seen naked.

We have to be more modest in what we claim.

Always try to be modest, and be proud of it!

Be modest, humble, simple. Control your anger.

Modest doubt is called the beacon of the wise.

Black is modest and arrogant at the same time.

I grew up very modest, and I never forget that.

I'm not shy. I'm modest, but I'm very outgoing.

A modest demeanor arouses thoughts of seduction.

Modest wisdom plucks me from over-credulous haste.

The awareness of our own strength makes us modest.

No modest man ever did or ever will make a fortune.

I'm not painting myself as a down-home, modest guy.

One gets on better in life if one is not over modest.

You will not see me dressed in plain, modest outfits.

Some are made modest by great praise, others insolent.

Be modest, be respectful of others, try to understand.

Leaders should be collaborative, modest, and generous.

Be modest. A lot was accomplished before you were born.

I am a birthday person. I am not modest about birthdays.

I think I've become more modest as the years have gone on.

If you're successful, you must express a modest appearance.

I'm quite modest. I don't want to tell people I'm a leader.

Though their life was modest, they believed in eating well.

Women that are the least bashful are often the most modest.

A modest man is usually admired, if people ever hear of him.

Publicly I'm a very modest dresser, by Hollywood's standards.

To be modest means that you have something to be modest about.

I think of myself as a shy, modest, relatively unassuming person.

The modest person is usually admired, if people ever hear of them.

The extraordinary thing about my mother, she's so modest about me.

Sometimes the most modest changes can bring about enormous effects.

Nobody who takes on anything big and tough can afford to be modest.

I try to be very modest with what I do. I'm not a frivolous spender.

Enough of the 'Canada is a modest country' boasts. Please. Just stop.

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