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A true master gives all his knowledge. But only when the student is ready.
We all have trials and tribulations and that shows who we are as a person.
If you truly believe in yourself and your skills, most times, it's enough.
You can have talent and strength, but the most important is determination.
When it comes to damage, boxing will cause more damage than MMA ever will.
Nerves are natural, it means you're ready to face a challenge and perform.
When you've been through that, a fight just doesn't seem that cataclysmic.
There's a direct correlation between positive energy and positive results.
To me, pain means you're pushing your body to give you everything its got.
Behind every champion is a team that prepared him to become that champion.
You've got to give up who you are now for who you want to be in the future.
Jiu-Jitsu has been one of the most valuable tools I've ever had in my life.
Thanks to his willingness to face me, my life takes shape, my path evolves.
The last thing I think about is losing and pressure... I just go and do it.
One thing I believe that's a key to success is celebrate your surroundings.
I always had an interest in MMA but I didn't start training until I was 21.
When you pay attention to detail, the big picture will take care of itself.
Believe that you can even as a single individual, you can change the world.
I think it's important to be an absolute believer and have that confidence.
I welcome challenges. I like challenges. It gives me a reason to keep going.
To keep on battling and overcome the obstacles is what makes a true fighter.
A black belt only covers two inches of your ass. You have to cover the rest.
Your body is your temple. You do your body good, your body will do you good.
You're in a fight and have to dig down... I find peace in that and enjoy it.
One thing that I learned from judo... Maximum efficiency and minimum effort.
Seeking knowledge is like opening doors. And I know the doors are everywhere.
I've been a heavyweight in boxing, in kickboxing. I'll do it in again in MMA.
Say what you want before the fight but when it's done, you accept the result.
The Samurai always has to rise and move on, because new challenges will come.
I always look at things as, instead of a problem, how is this an opportunity?
It's bizarre, a punch in the face hurts less when you win than when you lose.
I consider my MMA training starting the day I set foot in Urijah Faber's gym.
What happens when you accept and embrace your fear? Fear becomes your weapon.
My view on wrestling in MMA is changed a lot since I started really doing it.
Racism, prejudice and discrimination are an inexplicable collective stupidity
A true champion is not only formed in victory. To be defeated makes you learn.
Be spontaneous, be creative, go out and have fun, let things happen naturally.
When I won my first MMA fight, I put myself out there for the world to see me.
Focus on the positives is what I teach my kids. The rest takes care of itself.
Regardless if I made it or not, I really wanted women's MMA to be a real thing.
The best I fight is when I'm just there being a competitor and enjoying myself.
Who's the best MMA fighter of all times? I always left that for fans to decide.
My first love is MMA... it's something that I did because it made me feel good.
It's easy to do anything in victory. It's in defeat that a man reveals himself.
If you follow the enemy's shifts and changes, you can always find a way to win.
I always gave it the best shot I had, whether it went my way or not that night.
I just try to be as versatile as life is and try and express that in the fight.
If you gave up, you've already lost. If you keep going, you get to a new level.
I never fear my opponent, for me he only represents a new challenge to conquer.
Fighting's given me confidence but it's also broken me down and kept me humble.