We all try to be alike in our youth, and individual in our middle age ... although we sometimes mistake eccentricity for individuality.

The errors of young men are the ruin of business, but the errors of aged men amount to this, that more might have been done, or sooner.

You get one life. And if you make the mistake of choosing a profession that doesn't enrich anybody but you, you wont even live that one

Most of us have made the mistake that after they crossed the Red Sea they spent 40 years in the wilderness fighting amongst each other.

Even when I was a child, I always wanted to be older. I realised just in time that it's a mistake and to enjoy my youth while I had it.

The biggest thing is not to lose your confidence and realize you've got to work through those mistakes to yourself a chance to improve.

Doubt is a very important trait. Out of doubt comes thinking, decisions, choices. We learn stuff. We learn to make mistakes. Or not to.

If I made a mistake in singing a song or in the script, I could have some fun with it, then retain any of the fun that sounded amusing.

During the last economic slowdown in the 1990s, the Tories slashed infrastructure investment. I am determined not to make that mistake.

Fanaticism in many lands has surfaced as the greatest threat to the world. Indifference to its consequences would be a serious mistake.

One of the biggest mistakes humans make is to believe there is only one way. There are many diverse paths leading to what you call God.

Everything in life is a lesson and I have learned from each marriage. Yes, I've made mistakes but every experience is a learning curve.

I'll stand beside you through the years, you'll only cry those happy tears. And though I'll make mistakes, I'll never break your heart.

I am to a fault an introspective person. But I am not a reflective person - except for a big mistake, and then I really think about it.

There is nothing wrong with making mistakes, but one should always make new ones. Repeating mistakes is a hallmark of dim consciousness.

Most of the major mistakes I made in my life, I made when I was too tired to know what I was doing - both personally and professionally.

When you make a mistake, there are only three things you should ever do about it: 1. Admit it. 2. Learn from it, and 3. Don't repeat it.

There is certainly a satisfaction and dignity to be gained in coming to terms with the mistakes one has made in the course of one’s life

As an artist, what do you think the biggest mistake you can make is? My vote for the biggest mistake is being afraid of making mistakes.

Do not mistake desire for love. Desire leaves home in a frantic search for one gratification after another. Love is at home with itself.

I made a mistake and I'll work in the season to be better. It's part of life to be a man and don't try to hide something if it's broken.

Last night I made an insensitive comment which I sincerely regret. It was my mistake and I want to apologize to those who were offended.

Everywhere man blames nature and fate yet his fate is mostly but the echo of his character and passion, his mistakes and his weaknesses.

The power of the present moment is so immense it is capable - when lived in fully - of destroying forever every past mistake and regret.

The higher up you go, the more mistakes you are allowed. Right at the top, if you make enough of them, it's considered to be your style.

Make no mistake - they're coming for our guns. And we freedom-loving gun lovers are totally defenseless! Other than, you know, the guns.

We live in the public eye, so if one of us makes a mistake, it affects everyone, which makes me think about what I'm doing in life more.

I made the mistake of watching "A.I." on cable the week they showed it about 792 times, and I ended up watching it every time it was on.

I run in Central Park as the sun comes up. Some may mistake it for walking, but I swear I am running. I could not do it without my iPod.

I have a great appreciation for our world's history. I learn from my own mistakes, I learn from the mistakes we've made as a human race.

Cheating is bad. That's a big mistake I've made, and I've really hurt people. I've never lied about it, though. I've always been honest.

Fools you are who say you like to learn from your mistakes. I prefer to learn from the mistakes of others, and avoid the cost of my own.

It is a very grave mistake to think that the enjoyment of seeing and searching can be promoted by means of coercion and a sense of duty.

I thought I was painting in sound a picture of revolution - but I made a mistake, you know. The mistake was that it was anti-revolution.

It is right noble to fight with wickedness and wrong; the mistake is in supposing that spiritual evil can be overcome by physical means.

80% of the mistakes you will make in information architecture can be caught if you bring in a great usability expert from the beginning.

The great mistake these people make is that they go to looking after the spiritual welfare of the Indians before securing their physical.

Fame is empowering. My mistake was that I thought I would instinctively know how to handle it. But there's no manual, no training course.

Everyone makes mistakes. The wise are not people who never make mistakes, but those who forgive themselves and learn from their mistakes.

We did not enter the search business. Google entered the phone business. Make no mistake they want to kill the iPhone. We won't let them.

In life and business, there are two cardinal sins. The first is to act precipitously without thought and the second is to not act at all.

Many times when you make a movie, it feels like your biggest mistake. But even if a film isn't a hit, you shouldn't view it as a mistake.

It is a mistake to assume that everyone listens like you do: your listening is as unique as your fingerprints, and so is everyone else's.

Is a diamond less valuable because it is covered with mud? God sees the changeless beauty of our souls. He knows we are not our mistakes.

The technical phase can be boring because there is little opportunity for creavivity, for art. Boredom leads to complacency and mistakes.

What this anger hides is grief ... the reality that his wife didn't value their marriage as much as he did. He realizes it was a mistake.

‎It's not easy / It's not supposed to be easy / Most people make mistakes / Most people have to learn the hardest lessons more than once.

The real mistake of women was to let the memoir, the collective, the history, space of producing history - to let it in the hands of men.

Making mistakes isn't enough to become great. You must also admit the mistake, and then learn how to turn that mistake into an advantage.

My will, my faith and my body have been challenged, but make no mistake, my heart is strong and my resolve to fight will never be broken.

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