Seeing off the new ball is important for me. I know that once I do that, the only way I could get out could be from my own mistake.

Support your friends - even in their mistakes. But be clear, however, that it is the friend and not the mistake you are supporting.

A sign of the death of the heart: lack of sadness about beneficial actions you have missed, and lack of regret about your mistakes.

Looking up is the biggest alibi ever invented to explain a terrible shot. By the time you look up, you've already made the mistake.

Make no mistake about it: Operation Desert Storm truly was a victory of good over evil, of freedom over tyranny, of peace over war.

As far as the execution is concerned ... the most frequent and most serious mistake is to follow the music instead of preceding it.

One common mistake is to think that one reality is the reality. You must always be prepared to leave one reality for a greater one.

Looking back, the biggest mistake I made was feeling ashamed of it. Acne is a part of life. You don't need to be embarrassed of it.

Human beings were given a left foot and a right foot to make a mistake first to the left, then to the right, left again and repeat.

I found out that I'm a pretty bad father. I make a lot of mistakes and I don't know what I'm doing. But my kids love me. Go figure.

I think a show is for fun, and the thing about playing live is that you make mistakes, and that's what's sort of exciting about it.

mistakes are really not that big of a deal. in fact , as most of us acknowledge we need to make mistakes in order to learn and grow

I think it's a mistake to go after someone just based on looks. But I always respond to people who don't act that interested in me.

Go make your mistakes in the first team. You'll learn more in a month in the first team than you will in two years in the reserves.

Don't let the company get distracted or excited about other things. A common mistake is that companies get excited by their own PR.

I like to knuckle down and get on with my job. I'll make mistakes, I'm bound to, but I'll write them down and I'll learn from them.

I like radio better than television because if you make a mistake on radio, they don't know. You can make up anything on the radio.

I made a mistake by being ejected from the presidency. Next time, I will choose a Cabinet which will allow me to be life President.

I make mistakes every day. I'm not perfect in my behavior, but I want to be and that's what God is after, a heart that wants to be.

Time strips our illusions of their hue, And one by one in turn, some grand mistake Casts off its bright skin yearly like the snake.

The past can be a rudder that guides you or an anchor tha hinders you. Leave your mistakes with God and look to the future by faith.

If you want to lower the significance of Russia in the world, you actually just want to elevate your own country. That is a mistake.

The experience I gained at age 21 would be useful if I were ever 21 again. But I'm 71 and new at it and keep making age 71 mistakes.

I grew up learning from a father who said, 'When you make a mistake or you make a bad decision, you man up and take responsibility.'

They wanted to wait, to improve, to get better, when he's already a world champion. And that's a mistake. That's a chicken attitude.

When a lot of people meditate what they do is they're thinking about other people. This is a terrible mistake. If you do this, stop!

A failure is not always a mistake, it may simply be the best one can do under the circumstances. The real mistake is to stop trying.

I've certainly never helped anybody save the day, in any capacity. If anybody is going to understand making a few mistakes, it's me.

You cannot become a master until you actually take the leap, do the work, make several thousand mistakes, and live to tell about it.

Mmm. O positive, my favorite.” “Is it? I thought it was a cabernet sauvignon.” “So it is,” said Adrian, straight-faced. “My mistake.

If a man didn't make mistakes he'd own the world in a month.But if he didn't profit by his mistakes he wouldn't own a blessed thing.

It is our grave mistake that for many years we neglected pro-Western groups in order to avoid any friction with the existing rulers.

Most victories came from instantly exploiting your enemy's stupid mistakes, and not from any particular brilliance in your own plan.

There is nothing glorious about what our ancestors call history. It is simply a succession of mistakes, intolerances and violations.

We all make mistakes, Steele. It’s what we do afterward that defines us more than the actual incident that led to the mistake. (Joe)

The only biodiversity we're going to have left is Coke versus Pepsi. We're landscaping the whole world one stupid mistake at a time.

I put God first, and strive to do my best by being a loving human being, recognizing that sometimes I make mistakes and bad choices.

Gravity is of the very essence of imposture; it does not only mistake other things, but is apt perpetually almost to mistake itself.

I've had to come through a lot and I've made a lot of different mistakes, but I realized that I never gave up. I wanted to so badly.

We must be open to our mistakes and grow. Growth isn't based on being perfect, but moving toward the best we can be by being honest.

If someone mistakes your kindness for weakness, that's their fault - not yours. And it's OK to be a decent human being in this life.

At the end of the day, you got to learn from people that been through what you been through; they help you learn from your mistakes.

There should be no shame in admitting to a mistake; after all, we really are only admitting that we are now wiser than we once were.

My great mistake, the fault for which I can’t forgive myself, is that one day I ceased my obstinate pursuit of my own individuality.

One of the mistakes I made was believing that the rock 'n' roll genre as a genre was much more free than the whole pop or R&B scene.

Our mistakes and failures are always the first to strike us, and outweigh in our imagination what we have accomplished and attained.

I think we would have made a lot more mistakes and would have accomplished a lot less had we not been grounded in some basic truths.

Be cautious, but not too cautious; do not be too much afraid of making a mistake; a man who never makes a mistake will make nothing.

A man's vanity is more fragile that you might think. It's easy for us to mistake shyness for coldness, and silence for indifference.

Don't dwell on your mistakes. Set achievable goals: a confident line, effective use of values, interesting shapes, exciting texture.

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