I think it is a mistake for candidates, or once they get elected in office, to be dwelling too much on the topic of markets.

Self-awareness gives you the capacity to learn from your mistakes as well as your successes. It enables you to keep growing.

Sin is not simply making bad choices or mistakes. Sin is having the desire in our hearts to do the will of the enemy of God.

We don't always do the things our parents want us to do, but it is their mistake if they can't find a way to love us anyway.

Criminals together. We're in hell, my little friend, and there's never any mistake there. People are not damned for nothing.

To make Europe more effective is a worthwhile objective. To make Europe less important in your calculations is a big mistake.

The people who matter the most to us in the end, who teach us the most, are the people who make their worst mistakes with us.

All the mistakes I make arise from forsaking my own station and trying to see the object from another person's point of view.

People of color are not under any kind of obligation beyond working hard, doing their best, and learning from their mistakes.

You make mistakes as a parent. Then you wish you hadn't said that, or you wish you hadn't told them how to dress. You cringe.

People just make stupid mistakes. And they keep making them and keep making them, and suddenly they can't dig themselves out.

Let's be clear: Has the U.S. ever made any mistakes? Of course.Is the U.S. at all like [Vladimir] Putin's regime? Not at all.

In the struggle for human rights and justice, Negros will make a mistake if they become bitter and indulge in hate campaigns.

Whenever you write, whatever you write, never make the mistake of assuming the audience is any less intelligent than you are.

Obey your soul, have perfect faith in yourself. Never think of yourself with doubt or distrust, or as one who makes mistakes.

It is a common mistake in going to war to begin at the wrong end, to act first, and wait for disasters to discuss the matter.

Make no mistake about it: Next to parents and families, our teachers are the most important influence in our childrens lives.

Don't second guess the mistakes you've made, others will do that for you. Make things as simple as possible, but not simpler.

To mistake Midland for the volk heartland is the West Texas equivalent of assuming that Greenwich, Connecticut, is Levittown.

The dentist drills some more and you hear him make a mistake. And to cover it up, they all say the same thing: "Okay, rinse."

Frankly, I've got to admit that I'm not perfect and have made some mistakes as some of the colourful stories about me reveal.

I've been called a lot of things. But never, and I mean never, could anyone ever make the mistake of calling me a Yankee fan.

No mistake, I shall regret the absence of your keen mind; unfortunately, it is inseparable from an extremely disturbing body.

The thinker makes a great mistake when he asks after cause and effect. They both together make up the indivisible phenomenon.

Of course I make mistakes. I'm human. If I didn't make mistakes, I'd never learn. You can only go forward by making mistakes.

Make no mistake, those who write long books have nothing to say. Of course those who write short books have even less to say.

Be thankful for every day. Learn from mistakes. Don't dwell on regrets. Forgive with love. Gain strength from every struggle.

Research shows that making eye contact is a powerful draw for guys - even in photos. Just don't mistake duck face for flirty.

You cannot travel back in time to fix your mistakes, but you can learn from them and forgive yourself for not knowing better.

Marrying a woman for her beauty makes no more sense than eating a bird for its singing. But it's a common mistake nonetheless.

It's especially hard to admit that you made a mistake to your parents, because, of course, you know so much more than they do.

Newt Gingrich called it [Donald] Trump`s biggest mistake since he won the election, these crazy accusations about voter fraud.

Hitler is no worse, nay better, in my opinion, than the other lugs. He makes the German mistake of being tactless, that's all.

Make no mistake about it: Next to parents and families, our teachers are the most important influence in our children's lives.

When you start out in the wrestling business, you make a lot of mistakes, tripping over your own feet and looking like a fool.

If you're an honest person, you'll make mistakes, but it'll be okay. The most interesting things happen after making mistakes.

Government, as it was forced upon mankind by their vices, so has it commonly been the creature of their ignorance and mistake.

One of the big mistakes I think we make in relationships is that we don't give our best energy to the people that matter most.

People make the mistake of talking about 'natural laws.' There are no natural laws. There are only temporary habits of nature.

I do believe that at times God opens some doors and closes others, but our mistake is to confuse an open door for an easy door

My style is to stay on the offensive: to take risks, to recover very fast when you make a mistake, but to keep moving forward.

I made the mistake of thinking that if you add up the past, you sum up the future; I forgot how frequently life astonishes us.

I became a councillor back in 1971, so if by this stage in politics I'm making lots of big mistakes, then I shouldn't be here.

Man is a question; woman is an answer. The mistake women make today is to offer themselves as answers before being questioned.

All men make mistakes, but a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong, and repairs the evil. The only crime is pride.

Make no mistake, dwarf. I fought for you, but I do not love you'' ''It was your blade I needed'' Tyrion said, ''not your love.

The day is for mistake and error, sequence of time for success and carrying out. The one who anticipates is master of the day.

The Prophet Muhammad (s) said: "It is better for a leader to make a mistake in forgiving than to make a mistake in punishing."

It is a mistake to suppose that the whole issue is how to free man. The issue is to improve the way in which he is controlled.

I think that England made a very big, historical mistake to allow itself to become the kind of terrorist capital of the world.

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