Winning coaches must treat mistakes like copperheads in the bedclothes - avoid them with all the energy you can muster.

Great men have been characterized by the greatness of their mistakes as well as by the greatness of their achievements.

I understand that I may make mistakes with characters who don't share my own background, but I commit to doing my best.

I chose and my world was shaken. So what? The choice may have been mistaken; the choosing was not. You have to move on.

Of course, you only live one life, and you make all your mistakes, and learn what not to do, and that's the end of you.

Makin' mistakes ain't a crime, you know. What's the use of having a reputation if you can't ruin it every now and then?

FAY: The British police force used to be run by men of integrity. TRUSCOTT: That is a mistake which has been rectified.

It is from our enemies that we often gain excellent maxims, and are frequently surprised into reason by their mistakes.

You can only go forward by making mistakes. I'm twenty-seven, not fifty-seven. I'm not Givenchy, I'm Alexander McQueen.

I don't look upon my divorces as mistakes. Those marriages were right for the Bess that made that decision at that time.

There is no greater mistake than to suppose that platitudes, smooth words, timid policies, offer today a path to safety.

The nature of a democracy consists to an important degree in the right of the people to criticize problems and mistakes.

Since 2005, a majority of Americans, according to the Gallup poll, have said it was wrong and a mistake to go into Iraq.

Besides, life isn't meant to be safe. It's only in our mistakes, our errors, and our faults that we grow and truly live.

The biggest mistake you can make is listening to people who've given up on their dreams telling you to give up on yours.

..That's where we humans make a mistake. We don't see the utterly amazing when it comes to us disguised as the ordinary.

It's no mistake that the moment of impregnation is called conception: at first, parenthood is nothing more than an idea.

We count on God's mercy for our past mistakes, on God's love for our present needs, on God's sovereignty for our future.

I don't think anyone should pick a candidate for any office based solely on gender. That would be, I believe, a mistake.

Most actors make themselves unhappy by searching for their sanity, by insisting on their normalcy; it's a grave mistake.

Mistakes are growth, and we learn not to do it again. But it doesn't make you a terrible person. That's important to me.

How I Love Lucy was born? We decided that instead of divorce lawyers profiting from our mistakes, we'd profit from them.

I have no wish to talk nonsense." "If you did, it would be in such a grave, quiet manner, I should mistake it for sense.

There is nothing that is truly free nor democratic enough. Make no mistake, the internet did not come to save the world.

How do you ask a man to be the last man to die in Vietnam? How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?

Apart from direct mistakes, there is nothing more ruinous than routine play, the aim of which is mechanical development.

The single greatest impediment to error prevention in the medical industry is that we punish people for making mistakes.

Learn from both your mistakes and successes because if you learn only from your mistakes you will only learn more errors

It's a sad day when you find out that it's not accident or time or fortune, but just yourself that kept things from you.

Of course I shall go astray often...for who does not make mistakes? But I cannot go far wrong for I have seen the truth.

The resolve of our great nation is being tested. But make no mistake, we will show the world that we will pass the test.

I make mistakes. I say stupid things. I do idiotic things. And, quite frankly, I'm proud of them. Why not make mistakes?

If the movie works, nobody notices the mistakes... If the movie doesn't work, the only thing people notice are mistakes.

People want to feel effortless about their clothes. I don't always get it, I make a lot of mistakes, but that's my goal.

I try to extract something positive from every situation, even if it's just learning not to make the same mistake twice.

You may make some mistakes - but that doesn't make you a sinner. You've got the very nature of God on the inside of you.

One of the biggest and most common mistakes a woman makes is to substitute activity for God for a relationship with Him.

The great mistake about Europe is taking the countries seriously and letting them quarrel and drop bombs on one another.

If children feel safe, they can take risks, ask questions, make mistakes, learn to trust, share their feelings, and grow.

'LOVE' bit me. It was a marvelous idea, but it was also a terrible mistake. It became too popular; it became too popular.

Fools you are. To say you learn by your experience. I prefer to profit by others' mistakes and avoid the price of my own.

It is a mistake to expect good work from expatriates for it is not what they do that matters but what they are not doing.

If you're not making some notable mistakes along the way, you're certainly not taking enough business and career chances.

I have these accidents, these mistakes, these self-inflicted wounds, and then I tear my head to shreds about it for days.

I think I have gone through my entire public career never telling a lie. I have made mistakes but I never knowingly lied.

The best lessons a man ever learns are from his mistakes. It is not for want of schoolmasters that we are still ignorant.

No book is a chapter, no chapter tells the whole story, no mistake defines who we are. Hope makes our lives page turners.

The biggest mistake I made and what cost me a lot of enjoyment in my life, was assuming that everybody cared. They don’t.

Beset by a difficult problem? Now is your chance to shine. Pick yourself up, get to work and get triumphantly through it.

I think we really made a mistake in separating the Internet from capitalism in a certain way that is bad for our country.

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